Chapter 45

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Harry's POV
It was weird Louis hadn't been to school all this week, I was starting to worry. Today was Friday and I hadn't seen him at all. I would worry he's avoiding me but we've been texting non stop.

I always see Eleanor in the hallways shouting me the dirty looks everytime, I can't blame her I got her man. Well my man now.

Niall was going on and on about bringing Holly to the snowflake ball but I just learned to tune out.

"And then I'm going to take her back to the hotel and-"

"Enough Niall." I sighed rubbing my temples. "I do not want to hear about you and Holly."

"Whatever." He huffed. "What are you and Louis wearing? Are yous gonna show everyone at the ball it's official?" He wiggled his eyebrows smirking.

"I'm not going." I shrugged shovelling chips into my mouth.

"What? Why?!" He basically shouted.

"It would be awkward for Lou with Eleanor being there and she told me she doesn't want to go so I'm just guessing she hasn't taken the break up well." I shrugged opening my water bottle.

"Harry cmon." He looked at me. "Don't let her stop you? Louis loves you not her. He made that clear. He would want you there, not her." He tried to convince me.

"Look I don't want to make it more awkward for him." I argued. "He'd stress out and wouldn't go."

"So surprise him?" Niall shrugged.

"Huh?" I looked back confused.

"Styles cmon you're not that stupid." He rolled his eyes. "Don't tell him you're going and show up and make his night." Niall exclaimed. "It'd be a big gesture he couldn't turn down and make him even more inlove with you."

"You think?" I asked him thinking about it, Niall could be on to something.

"Harry the boy is crazyyyyyy about you." He laughed. "He would want you there to make his night better"

I smiled thinking about Louis' gorgeous smile on his face, he was the most perfect human.

"Fine I'll go" I smiled.

"Yes!" Niall cheered throwing his arms up in the air. "Now let's find you a suit."


After school me and Niall went to a shop in town to try and find a suit for me to wear, I couldn't wait to surprise Louis and see his face light up.

"What do you think?" I came out of the dressing room with a white shirt that cling to my body with a black blazer buttoned on top and black tight trousers.

I played with the ends of the blazer trying to make myself a bit less flustered.

"Haz you look really good." He smiles popping his head out of his dressing room. "Louis is gonna not know what to do around you." He smirked.

He dramatically pulled open the curtains to his dressing room revealing him in a light blue suit with a matching bow tie which complimented his hair and eyes.

"And me sir?" He smirked pulling the suit down and looking at himself in the mirror.

"Well you're looking lovely Horan." I admired him and he was admiring himself in the mirror.

He smirked looking himself up and down in the mirror admiring every piece of his body and falling more inlove with himself by the second.

"I can't disagree with you there," He looked back at me smiling. "I do look very very good."

We both purchased our suits and headed back to mine, Niall and me headed straight up to my room, I hung my suit up inside my wardrobe and switched on my Xbox for me and Niall to play.


"Fuck its 1am already Haz." Niall yawned at me looking at the lockscreen on his phone.

"You can stay if you like, my mum obviously won't mind." I yawned getting into my bed.

"I might just take you up on that." He climbed in beside me and we both slowly drifted off to sleep.

Im back :P gonna try and update this as much as i can for you guys xoxo

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