Chapter 42

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The next day sprung upon me before i was mentally prepared for it. I had no idea what we were even doing today but I knew i was dreading seeing Louis.

I let out an extremely loud groan as I got out of bed and heading towards the bathroom, Molly was sleeping in the sink purring away. I smiled turning the hot water for the shower on, I stepped in letting the hot water flourish all over my body.

All I wanted was to forgot Louis, even for a few seconds but that boy takes over my mind. I groaned just thinking about him and his beautiful laugh and his ticklish spots only I know about. Crying was the only thing I could seem to do at the moment.

Zayn came a few hours later with all the boys already in the car, I sat beside Niall who was in the middle in the back beside Louis. Only Niall knew what had happened but you could cut the tension with a knife.

"Where we going Zayn?" Louis' amazing voice filled my ears and my heart yearned for him.

"Well there's this party later and it's in the next town so I thought we could spend the day there then just go to the party later?" He stammers nervously.

I mentally groan because this means an extremely awkward day for Harry.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I quickly dig for it and pull it out to see I had 3 texts.

Liam: is everything ok w u n Louis?
Liam: Zayn me and Niall babe noticed tension
Perrie: things any better sweetheart:(
I text Perrie back first letting her know that it is extremely awkward and my heart hurts. And then I reply to Liam.

Me: I mean idk
Me: we could be over? But I'm not sure
Everyone heard Liam let out a small gasp when he received my text. Louis shot me a look and he figured out what happened pretty quick.

Liam: umm explain???!!
Me: told him it was me or eleawhore and then he left
Liam: NO
Liam: Haz :(((

After a few more minutes Zayn finally pulled up to an old diner themed restaurant. We all pulled out and went inside, Louis followed behind me watching the floor and not making eye contact with anyone.

"So, everyone seems quite tired today." Zayn said through a forced smile.

"Well Holly kept me up all night if you know what I mean." Niall laughed and winked at Zayn.

"Charming as ever Horan." I nodded.

"What can I say." He smirked. "She loves this d-"

"Can I take your guys orders?" An elderly lady comes over with a smile.

"Could I have the chicken stripes please." Louis' beautiful accent danced around the air as he smiled at the lady. I needed him.

"The same for me." Niall chirped.

"I'll have the burger please." I smiled sweetly.

"Us two." Liam said pointing between him and Zayn.

"I'll bring them out soon." She smiled.

After we had ate and had an painfully awkwardly silent lunch/dinner, we headed off to the party. We were still a bit early so there wasn't many people there but, of course, Zayn knew everyone who was already there. So he disappeared in seconds leaving the four of us lost and confused.

"Well I'm gonna get a drink." I excuse myself quickly to avoid even more awkward time with Louis.

I grab myself a beer and Liam follows behind me and grabs one for himself too.

"So." He starts. "Are you okay?"

"I mean no but just gotta move on." I shrug.

"Haz." He sighs sympathetically.

"Look Liam if he wanted me he would've picked me wouldn't he?!" I snapped and walked off taking a swig of my beer.

I walked into the living room where a majority of the party was, luckily no Louis for me. I continued to drink and walk around not wanting to see any one of the boys and especially not Louis.

The more I drank the more I felt better and started to chat to people, and some girl had found herself onto my lap. Not that I could care, girls just don't excite me. She kept touching my hair and playing with my shirt but I just ignored her and continued to drink. Well that was until angry tommo came storming over.

"Harry. Up. Now." He spat through gritted teeth looking extremely pissed off.

"Nope." I replied popping the P.

"It wasn't a question." He stated getting more annoyed each second I continued to sit.

"Who are you his dad?" The random girl on my knee pipped up. I rolled my eyes and shoved her off and got up walked past Louis and headed outside.

"Harry wait." Louis attempted as I walked out the door. "Harry!-"

"What Louis?" I snapped angrily loosing every bit of patience I have. "I get it you want Eleanor ok?! This was a waste of time for both of us leave me the fuck alone and get back to your happy life!" I yelled throwing the bottle against the hedges as I did.

"Harry just-" he started.

"No Louis I gave you a choice and you ran away." I could only see red, the anger pumped through my veins. "I love you and I was a game to you and I am so sic-"

"Harry I ended things with Eleanor!" Louis spat out impulsively.

"Wha....what?" I was taken back. Was my drunken state deceiving me? "But-"

He came close and wrapped his hands around each side of my head and looked into my eyes with his big beautiful ocean blue ones.

"Look listen to me Haz, I love you and only you okay?"  He pressed his soft smooth lips against mine and in this moment everything felt perfect. I was happy.

Only you // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now