Chapter 29

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Okay so I know this isn't Louis' acc sisters ages at this time point but it works better

"Louis Harry wake up!" I hear someone shout.

I try and adjust my eyes to the light while sitting up, removing my arm from under Louis. I see Lottie standing at the foot of Louis' bed all dressed with make up done and a black dress on.

"Louis wake up!" She says again hitting him with a pillow.

"Oi!" He shouts sitting up almost instantly. "What do you want Lottie?" He asks rubbing his tired eyes.

"Family lunch! Tommy's gonna be here soon and I need you to be presentable!" She complains.

"Fine, give us like 10 minutes." He says.

"Alright but hurry up!" She whines as she shuts the door.

We both climb out of bed tiredly, I slip back into my clothes from last night since I had none and spray cologne on myself.

Louis changes into a white top with black skinny jeans and gels his hair up a bit.

"You look cute." I laugh as he styles his hair in the mirror.

He smiles at starts blushing before Turing round and kissing me gently on the lips.

"Ready to meet everyone?" He laughs anxiously.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I laugh back.

He takes my hands and pulls me up off his bed, we leave his bedroom and walk downstairs. I see a girl who looks about 12 running after a little boy who looks about 2.

"Ernest come back." She laughs as he squeals running away.

Ernest comes running at me and runs into my leg, he stops and looks up at me with a dummy in his mouth. He starts giggling and waving at me, I wave back and he stretches his arms out for me to lift him up. I reach down and pick him up and hold him in my arms.

"Hwllo." He giggles with his dummy in.

"Hi." I smile laughing at him.

I see Louis smiling at me out of the corner of my eye, I look around to him and see the girl staring at me.

"Louis who's this?" She asks turning round to him.

"Daisy this is Harry, Harry Daisy." He laughs pointing between us.

"Hi it's nice to meet you." I smile at her still holding Ernest.

"Hi!" She smiles. "I'm Daisy but I also have a twin called Phoebe who looks exactly like me, don't get us mixed up." She says smiling.

"Daisy will you take Ernest and play with him in the living room?" Louis asks her.

"Sure." She smiles taking him from my arms.

"Sorry she's so talkative, Phoebes more shy." He says once she's gone.

"It's fine, they're both really cute." I laugh.

He smiles at me as he walks us into the kitchen where I see Lottie sitting with another girl at a table.

"Harry this is Félicité." He says and the brunette girl looks up from her phone.

"Hi." She smiles before looking back to her phone.

Lottie smirked at me from across the room, I sent her a confused look but she just shrugs. Louis walks us a bit farther into his kitchen to see a lady attempting to make a lot of food.

"Hi mum." Louis says.

She turns round and smiles at me before giving him a hug, she turns to me and smiles before hugging me.

Only you // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now