Chapter 9

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The dreading sound of my alarm went off making me groan. I hit it off quickly before climbing out of bed.

I threw on a blue t shirt and black ripped jeans, I brush my hair quickly before grabbing my backpack and walk out the door.

Liam still was sick so I had to walk, I didn't mind it, it relaxes me more. I go in the school gates and straight to my locker, I grab my books and start walking to form until someone yanks me back.

"Harry!" Zayn smiles.

"Oh hey." I smile back.

"Yesterday at lunch I saw you and your friend, the one that's Irish, sitting with 4 other girls?" He scratches the back of his head.

That's another thing, Zayn went out with Perrie, we weren't friends with them at this point but yeah they were voted the schools cutest couple but that didn't last. He dumped her out of the blue one day and broke her heart, Perrie was distraught over it while Zayn went on and fucked every other girl in sight.


"If they say anything about me you tell me okay? Since we're friends."


"Good boy, see you later." He walks off and I quickly walk to form.

The girls weren't in our form class but some of our other classes, I sat down with Niall at our table.

"Hey." I say sitting beside him.

"Hey." He looks up from his work. "How was tutoring?" He winks.

"We just studied until little miss bitch called and made him leave." I roll my eyes.

"Holly is still ignoring me but she's single again so I need a new plan."

"Why don't you get Leigh-Anne to fake date you?" I suggest.

"You think she would?"

"She's like your best girl friend I'm see she will."

"Okay I'll ask her at lunch."

Classes were boring like usual, all I could think about was Louis and his cute little fringe going into his eyes and him running his hand through it to move it like he did yesterday. Me and Niall were at the lunch table and Niall was waiting for the girls so he could ask Leigh-Anne.

"They're coming now." I say when I spot Jade and Jesy.

"Hey guys." Jade smiles sitting down beside me.

"Hi." Me and Niall reply.

Perrie and Leigh-Anne sit on either side of Niall, I give him a look to tell him to ask her.

He coughs quickly to clear his throat.

"Leigh-Anne?" He says.

"Yes." She replies.

"Right you know Holly the girl I hooked up but then she never called me back well anyway I was wondering if you would help me make her jealous by pretending to be my girlfriend?" He asks nervously.

"Sure." She agrees. "That's her over there right?" She points to Holly.

"Yeah." Niall answers.

Only you // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now