Chapter 8

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"Harry wake up! You'll be late for school!" Mum screamed turning on the light.

"10 more minutes." I pull the sheets over my head.

"You've already over slept Harry!" I got up and walked over to the closet.

I grabbed a plain white shirt and black skinny jeans, I changed into them quickly and brushed my hair quickly.

"Bye mum!" I shout as I leave the house.

I start walking to school, luckily I didn't over sleep too much so I wasn't going to be late. I get in the school doors and go straight to my locker, I grab the books I need for my classes and shut it again.

I turn around and see Louis at his locker with Eleanor, his hotness will never fail to impress me. I continue walking so he doesn't see me staring, I walk straight past him.

"Harry!" I turn on my heels and see him smiling.

Eleanor wasn't in sight, I smile and walk over to him.

"Hey." I smile.

"Hey sorry for falling asleep last night, I have this huge history test today and I'm so shit at history." He laughs.

"I love history, what's your test on?"  I ask.

"Umm," he looks into his file full of notes. "Germany, Hitler and stuff."

"Aw come on Louis that's easy." I laugh.

"I hate history so much." He groans.

"I can tutor you if you want." My brain says before I process it.

"Yeah that'd be great." He says.

The bell rings signalling registration.

"I'll text you later." Louis says.

"Good luck in history." I laugh before going to class.

I went into class and sat beside Niall, he smirked at me.

"I saw you and Louis this morning, at his locker." He smirked.

"We were just talking but I am now his history tutor." I smile.

"Wow! That's so good! Soon enough he'll be on his knees for you." He laughs.

"Funny. But I don't think he's even near bi never mind gay and Eleanor is just a whole new thing." I roll my eyes.

"Well at the party I kept trying to kiss her and she wouldn't let me because of Louis like she's going to be hard to crack." I laugh at his statement before the bell rings and we leave for class.

At lunch me and Niall couldn't find Liam anywhere so we sat inside at our table in the cafeteria, I saw Louis with his friends at the table and Eleanor and her gang. Louis would roll his eyes at her ever so often which made me laugh.

Eleanor looked over at our table so I quickly adverts my gaze to Niall who was talking to our friend Jade. Eleanor sat down beside Niall and her little gang was behind her.

"Niall, sorry for how I was at the party I was like so drunk. Haha anyway remember our tutoring session in 2 days?" She says sitting down beside him.

"Yeah can we still study at my house, it's easier because I don't have to leave." I put my hand over my mouth to hide my laughter.

I take a quick glance over to Louis table again to see him coming over, I start to get nervous and wonder if I look okay? Just play it cool Harry.

"Hey." He smiles sitting next to me.

I feel his thigh against mine and I feel electricity as soon as it touches together, he jumps and looks confused for a second before looking at me again.

Only you // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now