Chapter 43

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Louis POV
I don't know why. And if you held me at gunpoint and asked me why I'd tell them to pull the trigger. It was an impulse move. Do I regret it? As the words left my mouth I felt my stomach turn inside out. What was I doing? Strumming along an innocent boy who loves me and I too? It was a quick decision. Loose Harry in that moment? Or lie to hold him in my arms again, have his scent fill my nose with his forest cologne his mum got him last Christmas. I'm an idiot. I didn't think of the big details like how would I play it off in school that to Harry I'm not dating Eleanor and it was over when in fact..... that was a lie. Don't get me wrong I know Harry is the one for me but with the snowflake ball and her already picking out outfits and I wouldn't have time to see her I couldn't just break her heart. I'm awful I know. I guess for the two weeks until winter break I'm gonna have to stay off school avoid everyone as much as I can. God I'm a fucking idiot.

"I love you too Louis" Harry pushed his lips against mine once again. This felt right. The guilt was coming but I pushed it down as I saw Harry wipe away some tears.

"Okay curly you're very intoxicated so Lottie's coming to get you, me and Niall." I laughed pulling Harry into my grip. He was beautiful. "Zayn's staying to shag some girl and Liam's gonna stay with him but Niall wants home too."

"Stay with me tonight" Harry burst out.

His eyes glistened with hope as he said that. I couldn't let him down, I love him and I want him, but staying could complicate things more.

"Sure." I smiled and pressed my lips together.

He threw his arms round me and pushed his lips on mine. I smiled into the kiss thinking this is what makes me happy. Harry Edward Styles.

"Harry!" I shrieked giggling. "Don't press that against me out here, wait till we're home." I winked pushing his body off mine.

"Oh you'll see." He winked biting his lip ruggedly.

Lottie came and the three of us got in her red jeep and she took us home. Niall was in the front chatting her up not to anyone's surprise, Harry was resting his head on my shoulder and slowly drifting off.

Lottie dropped Niall home first, he bounced out happily on the phone to Holly. She drove us to Harry's and I slowly woke him up and he realised where we were.

"Do you wanna come in?" He looked at me with his beautiful green eyes gleaming with hope.

I quickly looked at Lottie who gave me a smile and nodded, I looked back to Harry's eyes and leaned in and kissed him. I opened the door and jumped out, Harry was still sat in the jeep.

"Are coming curley or you going home with Lots?" I joked smirking at him.

"No I-I'm coming." He stuttered jumping out.

"Thanks Lots, love you." I smiled shutting the door.

I grabbed Harry's hand as we walked up his garden path to the door. We got to the door and he got out his keys to unlock the door.

"Harry what is that on your keys." I laughed spotting the green coloured dragon on his key ring.

"Hey!" His face crinkled as he got defensive. "Gemma got me that from Scotland, it's called Ernie." He smiled putting it in my face, I just laughed as he continued opening the door.

We went up to his room and he stripped down to his boxers showing off his beautiful toned body, I was just running my eyes all over it and it was-

"Umm Louis." Harry snapped me out of my daze bringing me back. "Eyes up here." He motioned to his eyes while having a cocky smile on him.

I just rolled my eyes and changed into one of Harry's shirts, since he was a lot bigger body wise than me. And took my jeans off and got cuddled up into bed. Harry got into the bed and pulled me into his arms, it felt so right with his huge arms around me and his huge muscles just holding me. I looked at him and his eyes closed and his hair all messy and curls everywhere, his mouth slightly ajar he was, so cute.

Within about 5 minutes of me sitting with my eyes closed, Harry started snoring. God he was annoying when snored but I wouldn't have him any other way.

Buzz buzz buzz

I half opened my eyes getting awoken by this noise, the light made me squint.

Buzz buzz buzz

What was that noise? I opened my eyes a bit more and saw my phone was buzzing on Harry's side table. I picked it up and it was Eleanor, shit shit shit fuck. What do I do? Fuck.

"Hello?" My voice was so groggy and deep.

"Louis what the fuck? We were meeting today to plan everything for the snowflake ball? I'm at your house? Lottie said you went out to get food and some milk and stuff for your family but you've been gone for ages?" She whined.

"Sorry yeah I was getting distracted I got the shopping and then got food but I'm still eating it, haven't got my coffee yet." I looked at Harry who thank god was still peacefully sleeping and couldn't hear this.

"Okay well hurry up we've got lots to discuss." She growled and hung up.

Fuck. I got up and quickly threw my jeans back on, I grabbed my jacket and quickly wrote Harry a note and left it on the table. As I set it down and headed out the door. I am a dick, why am I doing this to him? He deserves the world and I'm lying to him about being all his when I wasn't. I panicked I didn't want to loose him but I hadn't had a chance to talk to Eleanor and everytime I did she cried about the ball. I couldn't break up with her before the biggest event of the year.

Harry's POV
I reached out to pull Louis into me but no one was there, I opened my eyes confused and he was gone. I checked my phone, no texts or nothing, great. I let out a load moan this is like when he was dating Eleanor. I got up and saw a piece of paper on the table.

H I had to go and help my mum with some stuff but I love you and thanks for last night - L x

I smiled reading it, he wasn't ditching me he was such a mummy's boy like myself. My mood went back up knowing Louis wasn't ditching me but just helping his family, he is such a sweetie.

This is gonna be a boring Sunday with Louis being with his family and my friends all with their girlfriends, guess I could watch some porn and have a wank. Sounds good to me I smirked to myself grabbing my laptop.

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