Chapter 21

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I felt someone's hands through my hair, I open my eyes to see Louis running his hands through my hair with a little smile. I smile before he notices I'm watching him.

"I uh I'm sorry." He stutters removing his hands.

"It's fine." I smile.

"So are you feeling okay? Is your hangover bad?"

"It's alright, it just hurts a bit." I shrug.

"Here let's get you some tablets." He smiles.

He gets out of bed and his shirt rolls up a bit revealing his tummy, but he pulls it down. He holds his hand out for me which I gladly take.

We both walk down to his kitchen and he goes to his cupboard to get me tablets.

"Morning boys." We both turn around to see Lottie smirking at us.

Lottie seemed really nice and she had pink hair which was really cool.

"Hey Lottie." Louis smiles getting me a glass of water for my tablets.

"How'd you's sleep?" She asks sitting down at the table and resting her head on her hand.

"Funny," Louis rolls his eyes before handing me the drink with tablets. "Here."

"Thanks." I smile putting them in my mouth and swallowing them.

"I'm just gonna grab my phone from upstairs, do you want me to get yours?" Louis asks me.

"Yeah please." I reply drinking the water.

He smiles and walks off up to his room, I go and sit down at the table beside Lottie.

"So you're Harry right?" She asks.

"Yeah how'd you know my name?" I laugh.

"Well for the past few weeks Louis has been going on and on about this guy with curls called Harry who he likes." She giggles.

My heart was racing.

"Really?" I try and hide my smile but it was impossible.

"Yeah." She smiles.

"Here Haz." Louis comes back into the room and hands me my phone, our hands brushed briefly but I felt sparks.

Lottie smirks at me as she noticed it before she got up and left, I check my phone for messages to see my mum sent me one.

Mum: wont be home till tomorrow :( sorry xoxox

"So." Louis breaks the silence grabbing all my attention. "Do you wanna do something today?"

"Yeah." I smile from ear to ear. "What do you wanna do?"

"We could go to the park or something?" He scratches the back of his head.

"We could go to mine and watch a movie?" I offer, his face lights up.

"Yeah." He smiles. "Shall we get ready then go?"

"Yeah." I nod.

We both go back up to his room, I grab my clothes from last night and my phone. I stay in the clothes Louis gave me last night and he does the same.

Louis grabs his keys for his car and we both walk outside and get in it. He turns on the radio and starts driving to mine.

Justin Bieber was playing on the radio as we drove, I drummed my fingers together. I was always so nervous around Louis.

We finally pulled up at mine, we both got out and I unlocked the front door. We both went inside and up to my room.

"What'd you wanna watch?" I ask him turning my tv on.

"Bad neighbours?" He suggests.

"Yeah." I say searching it on Netflix.

I sit beside Louis on my bed and we both get under the blanket as the movie starts playing.

I had my hands on my legs above the blanket and Louis did the same, he moved closer to me and our hands were touching.

Louis intertwined our hands as the movie continued, our legs were knotted together under the covers.

This was so perfect, literally every time a part of Louis touched a part of my body I felt sparks. I'm hoping he felt it too, maybe it was just all in my head, I mean Louis is perfect and his lips are so kissable and his eyes were so easy to get lost in and his hair, it's so perfect and fluffy and.

I started feeling very turned on by my thoughts and realised that I was starting to get a boner, FUCK. I needed to cover it quick but me and Louis' legs were tangled together and it felt so nice and I was not about to ruin that feeling.

I needed some way to hide this and quickly, I shifted my legs slightly and successfully covered it. I smiled to myself as I leaned my head on Louis' shoulder.

Louis wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer and grasped my bicep. This is so fucking perfect right now.

After the movie finished we put on Peter Pan since we had no other things to watch, we were half way through the movie when both our phones started going off.

Zayn: Harry & Louis are yous okay? After we all left you guys last night
Louis: I'm fine thanks :)
Me: same :D

We both laughed and threw our phones back down on the bed. I felt Louis' gaze on me so I tilted my head to look into his eyes.

Our faces were very close, our noses were touching. His ocean blue eyes were staring into mine, he was perfect. He leaned down and connected our lips, it was magical, I felt sparks fly and like everything about this was right.

Louis pushed me down on to the bed so he was hovering above me leaving kisses all down my jawline and neck. I moaned softly as he started sucking on parts of my neck.

Louis smirked onto my skin as I let out more moans, his lips moved back to mine where we continued our heated make out session.

"You're so cute Harry." Louis smiled moving some hair behind my ear.

I blushed so hard, even simple words like that would make him melt.

Louis yawned laying his head on my pillow, I copied his action cuddling closer to him.

Louis wrapped his arms around My body and tugged me closer. Louis' scent of cologne filled my nostrils.

Louis kissed the top of my head a few times before we both fell into a deep sleep.

This is dedicated to my amazing best friend swxxtwxx Robyn❤️❤️she always gets me to update so thank you babe

Only you // Larry StylinsonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon