Chapter 2

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Tuesday. Day 2 of school. 1 more day until Liam's home so I don't have to walk to school.

I pull myself out of bed and grab a white long sleeved shirt, blue jeans and a white beanie. I slip them on quickly and rush out the door. I enter the school gates and straight into school, I go to my locker and grab a few books.

My first class was Maths, luckily Niall was in all of my classes so I was never alone. I close my locker and turn on my heels to go to registration but I saw Louis he looked so hot just getting his books out for class.

I decided I wanted to watch him a bit longing so I went to Niall's locker which was a bit closer to Louis' then mine, to wait for him. As I 'waited' for Niall Eleanor came over and they started making out, I badly wanted to go over and rip her off him but I didn't.

Eleanor's annoying friends came over and the corner of my eye I saw Louis roll his, I chuckle to myself, Louis must of heard me because he looked up at me and smiled. I was fucking crying on the inside but on the outside I just smiled back. Holy fucking shit Louis Tomlinson just smiled at me.

"Mate what are you doing?" I turn around and see Niall with a confused look.

"Louis just fucking smiled at me." I whisper/shout to him.

"Nice now move away from my locker." I step aside and he get's books out. "And at least he noticed you." I smile to myself. "Step one to get into his pants."

"That's not funny Niall." I cross my arms but he was already laughing his ass off.

"Stop being a twat and not laughing at my super funny jokes, now lets get to registration." He closes his locker and we walk to class.

We sit and get our names ticked off in the roll before we leave for maths. Me and Niall sit at the double desk at the very back off the room, our teacher walks in and takes our names before she begins talking.

"Okay so from last year results a few people in the class need senior tutors." She says.

I knew Louis wouldn't be on that list because he's shit at maths and dropped it as a subject. Me and Niall ignored the things she called out and just sat drawing shit in each others books.

"Niall Horan your tutor is Eleanor Calder." She says.

We both freeze, I look to Niall who has the same expression as me.

"You got Eleanor." I say.

"Harry this is our gateway!" Niall says triumphantly.

"Huh? I'm confused?" I ask with confusion.

"If Eleanor's my tutor I can 'flirt' with her and ask her about her boyfriend or whatever but this could be a good thing!"

"Doubt it."

"Stop being a pessimistic."

The rest of Maths was spent with us trying to think of a plan with Eleanor but we thought of nothing. The class after that was chemistry and I by accident spilt a chemical on Niall which was fucking hilarious because he screamed and I was laughing and then he got taken to the nurse.

After that we had English which me and Niall just talked because the teacher wasn't paying attention then we had music which is good because Niall plays guitar so we just listened to him do that. Currently it was lunch and me and Niall were sitting at our usual table in the corner of the cafeteria away from it all.

"Bitch alert." Niall mutters quickly before shoving chicken into his mouth.

"What?" I ask.

"Niall right?" Eleanor was sitting at our table, beside Niall, talking to him. Does this bitch want to take every piece of happiness in my life?

Niall nodded at her but continued eating his lunch.

"I'm Eleanor your tutor." She smiled showing her perfect white teeth.

"Hi." Niall says with a mouthful of food, I snigger and she shoots me a glare.

"Well anyway Wednesday after school is when we're meant to get together so we can study here or-" Niall cuts her off.

"Study at my house." He answers.

"Okay then.. here's my number text me your address for tomorrow." She put a piece of paper on the table and then got up and left for Louis table again.

"Step one in our plan." Niall winks at me.

"Sorry buddy but if I was with Louis and you tried to get with me I wouldn't cheat on him so your plan is not going to work." I smirk at him.

"Well it may not work for those reasons but it might get Holly jealous."

"Seriously? You're still after her?"

"Seriously you're still after Louis?"

"Fair point."

"And yes I am and I know she likes me still."

"Dude you hooked up and she never called you back let her go."


"Liam's back tomorrow." I chirp happily.

"I can't wait to see him again."

I turn my head to look at the popular table where Louis, Zayn and Eleanor sit. Eleanor was sitting on Louis lap and he had his arm around her waist. Zayn was sticking his tongue down one of the wannabe sluts from registration, Ella I think her name is?

"He's so hot. Why can't he be gay?" I sigh.

"He might be you never know."

"But probably not." I lay my head on the table looking over at him.

"We have PE next and then we can leave and you can obese over his instagram."

I walk into the PE changing rooms with Niall and we can into out gym gear, I tie my hair in a man bun so it doesn't go in my face.

Niall goes on the treadmill while I go and start lifting weights, the slut group come and start doing there squats right in front of me.

"Ella I saw you hanging out with Zayn and lunch." Molly says smiling but anyone could tell she's pissed.

"Yeah he invited me over and we're going on a date tonight." She giggles. Molly rolls her eyes.

"Well he'll probably just fuck you and then dump you." She snaps and walks off. Of course her little gang follow her.

After PE was over I got changed back into my clothes and made an exit for the door.

"See you tomorrow Haz." Niall shouts to me as I leave.

I wave at him before continuing to walk home, I walk out the back of school where the car park and football field are. I see Louis in his football kit, he looked so cute when he tried to score a goal, I kept on walking through the car park I saw Zayn with Ella on the boot of his car. She looked like she was struggling to breathe but whatever.

When I get home I get a quick shower before getting into comfortable clothes, I sit and check up on Lou's Instagram, Facebook and snapchat, he was with Eleanor like always.

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