Chapter 14

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Monday again.
Things are extremely bad. Me and Louis kissed and he friend zoned me. Anyway I need to go.

I grab a random white shirt and black jeans and throw them on quickly. I don't even bother to style my hair I just get my backpack and start walking to school.

I walk through the gates and go straight to my locker grabbing my first few books for class.

"Harry how'd it go yesterday." I hear a familiar Irish voice in my ear.

I slam my locker shut and turn to face him.

"Shit. It went shit." I spit and walk off.

"Whoa what happened?" He asks getting concerned.

"I was friend zoned. He told me we're just friends." I say through gritted teeth.

"Haz I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, sorry for blowing up on you."

Niall hugs me tightly and I hug him back, I look up a bit and see Louis staring at us from his locker.

"Let's get to registration." I mutter before pulling away.

We get into class and wait for our names to be called out, like usual. Niall goes on and on about Holly and his new plan for her, but all I can think about is how much I feel used by Louis.

All of the classes from that till lunch were a blur, right now it was just the girls, me, Niall and Liam. Zayn walks over from his table over to Liam and sits down beside him and starts talking to him, Perrie gets up and leaves.

"Well done Liam." I scoff before moving beside Niall.

Zayn signals Louis and Eleanor to come over and sit with us, why would he do this.

"Hey guys." Louis smiles sitting down.

His smile was soon wiped off his face when he saw me, his face turned into a glare when he saw how close me and Niall were sitting.

"What's wrong Harry?" Eleanor asks me. "Not sucked someone's dick lately?" She smirks.

Everyone at the tables jaws drop, I smirk back at her.

"Coming from you? Did you not suck off captain of the football team in the boys locker rooms?" I smirk back.

She glares at me before moving nearly onto Louis' lap and attacking his face with her mouth.

"What are you doing?" Louis asks.

"Just showing Harry he can't have you because you're mine." She giggles.

"Don't worry I don't like Louis I have eyes for one person and one person only and it certainly ain't him." I laugh.

Fuck it hurt to lie to his face like that, seeing his face drop when I said all that. Serves him right.

The bell rings signalling end of lunch and time for the next class.

"Saved by the bell." Eleanor mutters under her breath.

I roll my eyes and me and Niall walk off to our next class. As soon as we're out of Louis and Eleanor's eye sights Niall turns to me.

"One person and one person only? I thought that one person was Louis?" He snorts.

"It is but he can't know that." I chuckle.

The rest of the day flew by while me and Niall messed around in the rest of our classes.

I walked home like always with my earphones in listening to the 1975, cars speed past me sending a gust of wind with them.

You're so conceited
I said "I love you"
What does it matter if I lie to you?

I sighed wishing Louis would stop sending me mixed signals, like he seems to get jealous of me and Niall quite easily.

I get to my front door and get my keys out and unlock the door, no one was home like usual. I take my earphones out and go straight to my room.

I sit down on my bed unlocking my phone and scrolling through Instagram, I upload a photo of me and Niall from the other night. Pic on side

I continue going on all my social media apps until I was bored, I check Instagram one more time and saw Niall has commented.

Niallhoran: 😜🔥

I laughed and locked my phone and turned on the tv in my room and started watching the Big Bang theory.

A while later my mum came home and then Gemma did too, she'd finally left her dickhead of a boyfriend now.

I ate dinner with them and then helped my mum do the dishes while Gemma went to go and study.

"You okay Harry? You've seemed a bit down these past few days." Mum asks me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I smile at her.

She doesn't looked convinced but she stops asking questions. I went back up to my room and sat on my bed.

I went on my phone and snapchatted Niall and Liam. Gemma came into my room and sat on my bed with an M&M packet.

"What's wrong?" She asked looking at me.

"Nothing Gemz." I shrug.

"Haz I know when something's wrong with you. Is it a boy?"

I let out a heavy sigh before scooping some M&Ms into my mouth.

"He kissed me and told me that he likes me but we can't be together because of his girlfriend." I reply.

"Really? He sounds like a dick Harry."

"I want his dick." I mumble which puts a smile on her face.

"Well if you really like him you got to show him what he's missing." She smirks.

"How? It's not like there's hot gay guys throwing themselves at me."

"Well do you hanging out with any of your friends make him jealous?"

I smile and nod at Gemma.

"Niall." I reply to her.

"That's it! Just start acting a little bit closer to Niall and stuff and you should probably tell Niall what you're doing before he gets creeped out."

"I will thanks Gemma you really helped."

"It's okay Haz. Now get to sleep you seem tired." She smiles.

"I will, night Gemz."

"Night Haz."

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