Chapter 36

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We arrived back yesterday and both the boys crashed at mine, my mum was surprised to see us home so early and a little suspicious about something, but I just ignored it.

Niall and Liam were all cuddled up against each other in my bed while I was feeding Molly, she whined and tried to eat the food out of the packet while I put it in her bowl.

"Shh." I whispered petting her head.

My mum was working all week so we had the house to ourselves basically, I went into the kitchen and saw mum had left money to order food for later so we didn't 'burn the house down'. I smiled to myself and grabbed 3 bottles of water and went back upstairs. Niall was waking up and Liam was still fast asleep.

"Morning Haz." He yawned.

"Here." I said handing him a bottle of water.

"Thanks." He smiled.

"How's Holly?"

"She's em alright? I asked if she wanted to go out today and she just said maybe later." He shrugged.

"Don't stress about it." I half smiled.

"I won't." He sighed.

"How about we go out tonight? I heard there's a big Halloween party at Jeezs tonight?" I smiled lightening the mood.

"Jeez as in the nightclub?" Niall raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"We're all underage Harry." Liam spoke into his pillow.

"No one actually checks." I scoff. "So cmon, let's do it."

"Im in." Niall smiles.

"Leeeeeeeummmmmm." I jumped on top of his back.

"Harry get off you weigh a ton!" He shouted.

"Do you want to come out tonight?" I smiled innocently.

"No now get off." He moves his body so I fall off and land beside him on the bed.

"Fine, Niall it's just you and me." I smirk.


"Harry hurry uppppppp." Niall whined.

"I'm trying shut up for 2 seconds." I snapped.

"Mate it's not even that hard?" Liam retorted.

"Yeah come on Harry." Niall tugged on my arm.

"There I'm done!" I screamed at them.

"Thank you my savour." Niall flung his arms around my neck.

I pushed him off and walked over to the fridge and got out a soda.

"Soooooooooo," Niall started. "How long till they're here?" He smiles innocently.

"I don't know! It takes time to make pizza Niall!" I roll my eyes.

"Come on Niall," Liam laughs. "Let's go watch tv."

"I recorded skins early so don't touch it." I say following them.

Niall puts on a show called stranger things which I've never watched but it seemed good, Niall and Liam were all cuddled up on the loveseat, sometimes I think they're more gay then me.

The doorbell went and Niall face lit up like a child at Christmas. He jumped up and ran at the door jumping over the sofa I was sitting on. I heard him open the door and voices speak before he let out a long sigh.

"It's not pizza," he yelled. "Haz it's for you." He walked back into the room.

"Who's here to see me?" I said in confusion.

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