Chapter 11

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I woke up to my phone buzzing on my side table, I grabbed it sliding to answer not looking to see who it was.

"Hello?" I answer rubbing my eyes.

"Harry are you not awake? Sorry I didn't mean to wake you but do you want a lift to school?" Louis says.

Oh my fucking God. Someone pinch me.

"Yeah sure I'll just get ready now." I reply.

"Okay I'll be there in 20." He says and hangs up.

I jump out of bed and throw on a Grey jumper and blue jeans, I quickly do my hair and grab my backpack and wait in my room.

Louis😇: I'm outside :)

I go downstairs and outside and see him in his car, I smile and walk over and get in the passenger seats.

"Morning." I chirp to him.

"Good morning Styles." He smirks.

I fall in love with him more each day.

"Thanks for giving me a lift but are you sure you want to be seen with me? Since everyone knows I'm" I scratch the back of my neck.

"Harry it's okay if anyone says anything me and Zayn will beat the shit out of them." He smiles.

He's sticking up for me, that's so cute, I might cry.

"Thanks Louis." I blush.

We pull up into the school gates and Louis parks his car and we both get out. Louis walks off to his locker when I walk to mine.

I grab my books and gym gear before heading to form.

"Harry meet me at my car at the end of school and I'll give you a lift home." He smiles at me.

"Thanks." I say and walk off to form.

I sit down beside Niall who looks at me strangely as I put my bag down.

"what?" I ask.

"Everyone saw you get a ride to School with Louis this morning?" His mouth was slightly agape.

I couldn't hide the smile on my face and the colour rushing to my cheeks.

"I did." I smile.

"What? How?!" He nearly yells. "Explain everything right now."

"Okay so basically Eleawhore told him I was gay and I ran off and he followed me and we talked and he told me that he was- taking me out for something to eat and then he left me home and we texted for a while and then he called me this morning and said he'd give me a lift and that's all." I shrug.

"Haha Eleawhore that's a good one." He chuckled. "But anyway that's so good Haz!!"

I smile and hide my face with my hands. We finished our classes until lunch and sat down at our table with Niall and the girls.

Leigh-Anne moved over to Niall and he put his arm around her, they were really working this thing.

"Holly's glaring at you both." Perrie giggles eating her salad.

"That's the plan." Leigh-Anne states.

"Um excuse me?" I feel someone tap my shoulder.

I turn around and see Eleanor with her little gang in front of me, I glance over and Louis table but neither him or Zayn or there.

"Stop looking over there your little boyfriends won't come to the rescue." She spits at me.

"Why are you here?" I ask her.

Only you // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now