Chapter 10

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"Harry wake up you'll be late." Gemma shakes me.

"I'm awake!" I throw my hands up in defence.

"Thanks for comforting me last night." She smiles.

"It's okay if he ever does that again I'll smack his shit in." I hug her before going into my room to change.

Once I'm ready I start walking to school, I get in the gates and go to my locker. I get my books and start walking to form.

I see Louis at his locker and he sees me as well, I go over to him.

"I'm in detention again on Friday." I smile to him.

"Seriously? That's great now I won't be bored again." He laughs.

I look over my shoulder quickly and see Eleanor coming over.

"Well I better go, see you later." I say and walk off.

"Louis why were you talking to him?!" I hear Eleanor say to him.

"Because he's my friend." Just those simple words from him make my header flutter.

"Louis you know he's gay right?" What. No no fuck.

I stop walking, Louis can't know, fuck fuck fuck.

"W-what?" He replies.

Great fuck, I turn around quickly and they're both looking at me. I turn on my heels and go straight through the doors into the car park to walk home. This can't be happening.

"Harry!" I hear him call. "Harry stop!"

I continue walking until he pulls me back.

"What?!" I snap at him.

"I'm sorry about Eleanor she had no right to tell anyone that, it's okay if you are Harry I don't mind." He smiled.

This is why I love him, he is the sweetest person ever. God i want him so bad.

"Sorry it's just not something you want everyone to know." I shrug.

Louis being shorter than me makes him so much more cute.

"I can't even imagine how it must feel, how about we ditch school and go do something?" He suggests.

"Yeah that'd be great." I smile.

He takes us to his car and we both climb in, this is the second time I've been in his car. My phone buzzes in my pocket so I slip it out as Louis begins driving.

Niall: where r u?

Me: long story but Louis knows I'm gay and he's trying to cheer me up??

Niall: you better explain this tomorrow

I put my phone back in my pocket and focus on where Louis was taking me, he stopped at a park which was away from school.

We both got out and walked over to the bench which was there. We both sat down and I twiddled my fingers. This was so awkward.

"Harry it's okay I'm not gonna judge you." He smiles.

"I know I just feel awkward now, I don't even know how that who- how she knows anyway." I sigh.

"Harry I'm gonna tell you something but you can't tell anyone you will be the first person I told Not even Zayn or anybody knows this okay?" He says.


"I'm bisexual." I feel my heart stop.

There's a little bit of hope.

"Wow Louis, I'm sorry you can't tell Zayn or anyone but I'll be by your side supporting you." I smile.

"Thanks Harry same to you. Want to go get some food?"


After we had eaten he left me back to my house and he went back to his, we were texting back and fourth until he had to go meet Eleanor for something.

I was starting to hate her more and more every time she did something.

My mum came home a while later and made me dinner since Gemma was a Josh's or something.

After that I just went to sleep trying not to remember the stress of everything.


Only you // Larry StylinsonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt