Chapter 18

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Between the sound of my alarm and Molly's meowing to be let outside I had a great wake up.

I got out of bed and stretched my arms, I changed into a blue top and jeans and sprayed some cologne.

I let Molly outside and put some food in her bowl, I made myself some toast with a glass of orange juice.

I put my glass in the dishwasher and grabbed my bag and started walking to school.

The breeze blew my longish hair in all directions, I kept flicking it out of my face every now and again.

I walked through the gates and walked straight to registration, Niall wasn't here yet so I sat down at our table and waited for him.

Niall finally walked in and sat down beside me, he smiled at me before taking his bag off his shoulder.

"Excited for tomorrow?" He beamed at me.

"Nope but I'm guessing you are?" I laugh.

"It will be fun." He argues shaking my shoulder.

"Whatever." I mumble.

At lunch the five of us sat at our usual table, it has become a thing now, and Eleanor was out a some cheerleading thing.

"I'm excited for tomorrow." Niall said with a mouthful of pizza.

"Same." Zayn replied.

Niall's leg hit my knee forcefully, I looked at him and he winked at me. I gave him a confused look before he 'by accident' spilt his coke all over my crotch.

"Niall what the fuck?!" I snap at him.

"Harry I'm so sorry." He says grabbing a napkin and rubbing the coke.

"Niall you're literally touching my balls." I roll my eyes.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Louis says angrily and storms off.

I watch him walk towards the exit and before he goes out the door he signals me to follow.

"I'm gonna go check if he's okay." I say quickly and follow him.

I get out of the lunchroom and look around for him, he had his back against the lockers, his eyes met mine and he quickly walked over and grabbed my wrist pulling me into the nearest boys bathroom.

The feeling he gave me by simply just our hands touching was indescribable.

"Louis what ar-" he cut me off by pushing his lips onto mine.

I was so in shock by the action I didn't kiss back for the first few seconds, but as soon as his lips touching mine I felt fireworks.

I slipped my tongue into his mouth and he does the same, he tasted of cigarettes and mint gum.

His hands twisted around my neck while I had my hands pressed to his hip bones. I pushed him up against the wall and moved my lips to his neck and left sloppy kisses all down his neck.

"I," he kept trying to speak but his moans made it hard for him. "Couldn't, stand, see-Ing, Ni-all, try and fuck you, I can't do this whole just friends thing, H-h-Harry."

His sweet moans were making it enough for me to get on my knees for him right here. That's when I released where we were, I pulled away making Louis open his eyes and look at me.

Only you // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now