Chapter 25

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My alarm started beeping waking me up from a great dream with Louis. I groan and hit it off before getting out of bed.

I throw on a blue shirt and black jeans with rips at the knees, I attempt to make my hair look presentable for school before my phone buzzes.

Part of me hopes its Louis saying he's coming to pick me up but also part of me is still pissed at him. I pick up my phone and see it's Nick asking me if I want a ride to school.

Well since Louis isn't coming to pick me up I might as well. I unplug my phone and take it downstairs with me.

My mum must've already left since there was no sight of her anywhere. I quickly grab a bottle of water and wait for Nick to pick me up, i hope this sparks some reaction from Louis.

Nick texts me saying he's outside so I quickly grab my bag and run outside and get into his car.

"Morning." He smiles.

"Morning." I smile clipping my seat belt in.

We make small talk the whole way to school and talk about Lily, as soon as we park in school I see Niall walking in with Holly and he gives me a weird look.

As I get out I see Louis walking past with Eleanor and give me a dirty look, I just smirk and walk into school saying bye to Nick.

I get to registration and Niall was sitting by himself, I wonder where Holly went.

"Hey." I say sitting down beside him.

"What're you doing?!" He whisper/yells at me.

"What?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"You're with Louis yet you're getting lifts with someone else?" He creases his eyebrows.

"Me and Louis are friends we haven't made anything more on that, Nick is just my friend that's it." I clarify.

"Well Louis isn't looking too happy when he sees you's too."

"Well he looked very happy with Eleanor last night when he followed me to Starbucks." I cross my arms.

"You're both as bad as each other." He rolls his eyes.

Every other class Niall was still being annoying and telling me to make up with Louis but I just kept ignoring him.

At lunch Zayn and Liam were late which meant it was awkward conversation with Niall and Louis.

"Can you's both stop being stubborn little shits and make up please, it's pissing me off." Niall rolls his eyes.

"Nothing to make up for, me and Louis are just friends." I state.

"Harry stop. You both know you both like each other a lot and this is stupid." Niall protests.

Louis opened his mouth to say something but Zayn and Liam came back before he could.

"Hey guys." Liam smiles.

"Harry!how was your date?" Zayn nearly yells.

I saw Louis tense up at his words which made me feel a bit better.

"It wasn't a date," I laugh. "But we're going to the cinema on Friday."

"Harry that's a date!" He exclaims.

"What you going to see? Me and El are going to the cinema too on Friday." Louis smirks.

"I don't think we'll see each other." I say.

"Hmm we might." He says smiling.

I see Niall get very pissed and both of us since we were both acting like children.

The rest of the day Niall kept attempting to make me and Louis stop fighting but we didn't.

I was walking through the car park to get home and I saw Louis with Eleanor at his car, I rolled my eyes seeing them together.

I walk home with my earphones in listening to the 1975 new album, I tried to get the picture of Louis and Eleanor kissing out of my head but it was stuck there like a record on repeat.

I finally got in to my house and threw my bag at the door, I was pissed and depressed. I loved Louis but at the moment he was being a dick.

I lay down on my bed and groaned into my pillow, I just decide to go to sleep since there was nothing better to do.

I'll update more often now

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