Chapter 41

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Zayn and Luke both got suspensions for 2 weeks, you could see Louis missed him while he was gone but as soon as Zayn was in school again Louis brightened up. Louis and me had spent a lot of time together over the past two weeks, Eleanor hadn't actually been as clingy for once. We both found it quite strange but weren't complaining.

I grabbed my phone off my bedside table and checked the time 8:24am Friday 30th of November. Fuck I was already late, usually my mum comes and wakes me but she wasn't here which was strange.

I threw on some sweatpants and cruised downstairs, I opened my cupboards and found pancakes which I could make. I threw some in the toaster and waited until they were toasty and hot.

"Mum?" I shouted into the house, it seemed completely empty.

I never got a reply just the sound of silence drowning me, I jumped when I heard my phone vibrate on the table bringing me out of a daze.

"Hello?" I answered yawning.

"You better be on your way to school." Louis' beautiful voice filled my eardrums.

"Ugh but my mums not here so I wanted to take the day off." I whine as I fixate myself on getting the orange juice into the cup with one hand.

"Ummm not what we agreed Styles." He playfully hissed at me.

"Cmon doesn't spending a day in bed with me sound aaaamazing?" I smirked knowing this would antagonize him.

"Stop tempting me" He groaned.

"I'll leave the front door open and bring me bacon okay bye love you." What the fuck. I didn't even realize i had said it when i did. I ended the call before i could even hear him take another breathe.

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. What do I say to him now? I was in full panic mode. What if he wasn't ready? What if he realizes he wants to be with Eleanor now.

My endless buzzing thoughts were interrupted by the door clicking, I locked up with beaming eyes like a dear caught in head lights. I took a huge glup.

"Louis." I started.

"It's okay Haz," He walked towards me taking my hands. "I........I Love you too."

I felt my heart burst out of my chest and do leaps and jumps.

Louis Tomlinson loved me.

If you would have told me I would have been here a year ago never ever would i have of believed you, and now here i was with my boyfriend, Louis Tomlinson, falling in love with him a little bit more everyday. He was becoming like oxygen to me, I needed him to breathe and feel alive.

I let out a sigh of relief and cupped Louis cheeks pulling him into me, he wrapped his arms around my neck and I felt us both smile into the kiss. This was what love felt like.

"Are you excited? We're going to see the 1975 in like two weeks and then the snowflake ball?" Louis smirked at me his faces inches from mine.

"More than excited because I'm sp-" my sentence was cut short by Louis' ringtone.

He pulled away from me and fished in his pocket for it. He looked at me sympathetically before saying those familiar words that broke my heart.

Only you // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now