Perfect: Chapter One

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Chapter One







In the past four years of high school there hasn’t been a thing in my life that I haven’t competed for with Dean Purvis, my best friend. Ninety nine point nine percent of the time, there wasn’t a thing that I would compete for and not win. Just like my freshman year at Saint Mary’s Academy, Dean and I both tried out for the one spot left on the basketball team and I did everything I could to beat him. Then, there were our grades. We both competed for Salutatorian and once again, I beat him by one measly little point at that as well. We both applied to Harvard University, he got shot down but I got accepted and then felt guilty about not accepting the scholarship that he so badly wanted. But, that is besides the fact. The fact is, I never let Dean beat me in anything accept one thing. The one thing he actually beat me in getting, is the only thing I ever really wanted but never really knew it.


Emma Lancaster.


I leaned back into the bar stool, while drinking my favorite. Whiskey and coke. I took a rather large sip, and felt the burn as it flowed through my veins. We had been in this hole in the wall bar called Blarney Rock ever since 10 p.m. because it was the only place in New York City that didn't care if a bunch of minors wanted to come in for a drink or two. This had always been our party place.


My eyes scanned through the crowd to find her. The music was down low and the lights were dimmed. Everyone was quiet while they watched Dean fall to one knee and then pull out the rather large rock from Tiffany & Co. that I picked out for him to give to her. She looked surprised, but not that surprised. Dean has had that ring ever since the beginning of our senior year. It didn't really hit me then, when he drugs me to Tiffany’s and said ‘I need to pick out a ring.’ At first I figured it was like a promise ring for Emma, but boy was I wrong.  I never thought that Dean would actually go through with proposing to Emma.


Jealousy hit me in the face as a broad smile crossed her beautiful plump lips, and then started screaming yes. I laughed at her reaction, but this isn’t Emma. She doesn’t know what marriage actually means. I took a long look at the girl that had always been there for me through thick and thin, the girl I always had feelings for but never let myself indulge in them, the girl that jumped over hurdles for me our freshman year because she was so in love with me. Well, she did until I introduced her to Dean, my other best friend.


I guess you could say that was all before Dean came into the picture.


As I ordered a shot of tequila, and then tried clearing my head of the thoughts that told me ‘you could have had her’ or ‘that could be you.’ My conscious was telling me that it was my entire fault that it wasn’t me proposing to her instead of Dean. That had been plenty of times I could have made my mark on her but I didn't because she was simply the girl I grew up with which now, is incredibly stupid.  Emma is the girl that would always be there for me no matter what. The girl that knew me absolute best. The girl I should be with, my best friend.

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