Perfect: Chapter Thirty Four

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She took up for me and i really found it sweet :)

**I was told that this story was being dragged out, and it just needed to end. Well, i am sorry but this is the plot and if you dont like it you dont have to read it :) I am not trying to be rude, but this is the way i have had it planned out for the past three months and i am not willing to change it now. So, if you dont like the way i am writing it dont read it. I appreciate every single one of my fans and I LOVE YOU ALL, but its extremely unmotivating and rude when you get a comment like that.

Alright, now that my rant is over..............:) enjoy!



Chapter Thirty Four








            By the time I made it out of the country club, my blood was boiling in anger from what had just happened. Tears were stinging in my eyes, and I couldn’t help but want to scream. I scanned the area silently, and couldn’t find him anywhere. Had he left me? I covered my face in my hands and began to sob.


            “Emma?” A soft voice came from behind me, and I could hear them approaching slowly. “Emma! I’m so sorry; I didn't mean to tell him, I was just so angry when I saw you two together. Please forgive me!” Neely stood from behind me, and slowly put her hand on my bare shoulder.


            However, I quickly shrugged out of her grasp and turned towards her quickly. “Are you happy now?” I asked, in a dangerously low voice while shaking my head.


            Neely shook her head and began to cry. “I understand if you hate me-…”


            I quickly cut her off, “No, you don’t understand Neely. You understand nothing. I trusted you!” I yelled.


            “I-I didn't mean too but he still deserved to know what was going on Emma, so I can’t really say I regret it that much. I couldn’t stand seeing him hurt.” She stuttered, trying to come up with an excuse.


            I turned to walk off towards the parking lot, but turned around once more before I could get too far. “It must not have hurt you too bad, because look at everything now…” I said, while waving my hands around. “…You have successfully ruined everything, when you didn't even know what was happening.” I stood there for a moment sobbing, “I planned on telling him tonight; I changed my mind and planned on telling him but…The first chance you had you blurted it out.” Before she could say another word, I was walking towards the parking lot where I would hopefully find Beau.


            I walked and walked for what seemed like hours but it couldn’t have been because the parking lot wasn’t that big. However, I weaved in and out of the vehicles like I would have found him hiding behind a car or something. I shook my head in disbelief, thinking he had really left but he couldn’t have. It wasn’t possible; his Land Rover was still parked in the same place as when I first saw it when arriving. Just as I was about to give up and go face the reality that awaited me inside the country club, I got a glimpse of a man sitting under a tree from afar. His curly hair was falling in his eyes while his head hung low and his hands were being run though his hair like he was pulling it. I knew it was him, but for some reason my legs didn't move towards him.

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