Perfect: Chapter Six

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Chapter Six







       I sat down in the beach chair and I looked out at the beautiful, clear water. Everything here was amazing, and laidback. Totally different than New York’s chaotic scene. For once in a long time, I leaned back with my hands behind my head and I felt like I had no worried in the world. It was our second day here, and I couldn’t help but feeling like everything else stopped while I was here. If I had to guess, that’s how everyone felt.


       I glanced over to the two empty seats that were right beside me that were Dean and Emma’s. They had left an hour ago to go walk along the beach.


       It was Emma’s idea of romance.


       Dean didn't want to go, but for some crazy reason I urged him to go with her. The only reason was because I wanted to do everything in my power to make Emma happy. And if walking along the beach with her fiancé made her happy then so be it. Even though I wish so badly that it could be me instead.


       Now, as I watched them from afar as they walked back I wish I hadn’t made him go. They walked hand in hand, and Emma was tucked so close into his body. I took a deep breathe, and I tried to look away but something wouldn’t let me. Maybe it was the fact that they looked completely in love with each other in that one moment. Dean suddenly let go of her hand, and moved towards the water while splashing her full on. She belted out with laughter while running towards him and jumping in his arms.


       Emma leaned her head down towards Dean and kissed him while her legs wrapped around his shirtless abdomen.


       “Sucks don’t it?” I heard a laughing voice coming from beside me and I quickly looked over.


       Eddy Harrison looked past me to the happy couple and smiled. “Looks like I’m not the only one that’s completely jealous over someone else getting the girl.”


       Eddy Harrison was pretty much a cool guy but I never really branched away from Dean and the basketball team to hang out with anyone else. He was the first string QB at St. Mary’s but I know nothing else about him. Though, I do remember Emma and him having tutoring sessions our ninth grade year and I demanded her to stay away from him. I don’t even know why, but I did.


       I looked over at him and squinted my eyes, “Why would I be jealous of Dean?” I asked, while slightly laughing.

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