Perfect: Chapter Thirty-five

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         Dad sighed again, and I could hear the edge in his voice. “I…” He sounded completely distraught, and upset. “Dean had a wreck on the interstate with alcohol in his system going over a hundred miles per hour. He-…He didn't make it Beau. And…” He hesitated, but before he could answer I was out of the door and on my way to the hospital. I had just heard my best friend had been killed, and there was a but. What in the hell else could have happened? Tears streaked down my face, and I couldn’t help but feel guilty. Is this why everyone had been calling me for the past hour? It felt like a knife in the gut as I thought about Emma? Why hadn’t she called me? My heart shattered into million pieces.

            Tears were leaking from my eyes while I ran towards my car. “Where is Emma? Please don’t tell me Emma was in the car. Dad...Please!” I begged.

            “Look son, just calm down and get into your car. Don’t speed, or be upset. Just get here as soon as you can.” Dad said softly.

            I wasn’t satisfied with that answer though, I wanted to know if Emma was alright and I wasn’t going to hang up until I found out. “God damnit dad, just tell me if she if okay!” I yelled, while driving down the road trying my best to get there as quickly as possible for my Emma’s sake.

            I waited and waited for an answer but dad couldn’t seem to get the words out. “Emma is fine Beau she was wearing her seat belt but…” He paused for a moment.

            “What dad, tell me!” I demanded, while yelling.

            “Emma had a miscarriage son.”




Chapter Thirty Five








            The words that my father had just said echoed in my mind for a few moments before I realized what he was saying. My heart shattered against my chest, and tears strolled constantly out of my eyes. This was my entire fault. Every single part of it. If I hadn’t done what I had done…Dean would still be alive. He would still be happy. If I hadn’t acted like such an idiot, Emma would still be pregnant, with my baby. I collapsed onto the couch and started sobbing. I could no longer hold it in, and plus it was extremely overdue. My father could hear me breaking down over the phone, and for a moment I felt like a failure. He was listening to his only son crying, and acting like a complete pussy.


            I heard my father over the receiver gulp and take a deep breath, “Son?” He whispered.


            “This is my entire fault!” I cried, “Dad…Oh my God, Dad.” I said, through my massive sobs.


            “Beau…” He murmured, softly. “What happened? Was…” He hesitated for a moment and sighed, “Was the baby yours?” He asked, skittishly.

PerfectOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora