Perfect:Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten






            She won’t speak or look at me at all. Three days had passed since I had even caught Emma’s glance. It had been three days since I took things a step too far and decided to kiss her on the beach. I mentally slapped myself for the one hundredth time as I watched her and Dean dancing sexily on the dance floor. His hands rubbed all over her magnificent body, and she smiled up at him like nothing ever happened between us. I hated the feeling of rejection, but having to watch them all over each other was agonizing.


            In all honesty, I don’t even know where these feelings are coming from. Why do I even care?


            I can’t help but care about her, I had grown up with her. Hell, she is the most beautiful thing that walks the planet. I hated myself for making things awkward between us. Knowing her, she will never be able to look at me the same.


            Thankfully, it’s our last night on the island. After tonight, I will be able to go about my business and act like nothing ever happened. I will be able to forget it all, I hope.


            As I looked away from the happy couple, I downed my tequila and could feel myself starting to become drunk. I love to drink, but I never get drunk. But tonight, I am letting myself indulge in getting wasted with the rest of my classmates. I ordered another shot, and then turned back towards the dance floor but was blocked by a small body with their hands on their hips.


            “Well, well…” I looked up into a pair of green eyes that were looking at me amused, “If it isn’t the guy that ditched me on the dance floor three nights ago.” A smirked formed on the girls face, and I finally recognize her.


            She was the girl from the dance floor the other night. My eyes scanned over her face, and now that she was in the lights I could tell how amazing she looked. Her long dark hair was curly and flowing passed her shoulders in a wild and effortless way. Her body was lean, and she had nice breasts.


            I smiled at her, “Neely.” I breathed out, as I downed the shot that was in my hands.


            She nodded, “Beau.”


            I laughed, “Were you watching me again?” I asked, while joking. “Because this is the second time you have picked me out of the crowd.”


            She stepped closer, while laying her hand on my knee. Neely chomped down on her gum and then scoffed, “I can’t help it, you are an easy target.”

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