Perfect: Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty








           My eyes hadn't shut all night because of the memories that were roaming around in my mind. For a long time, I had the impression that I would never have to go back there but now that I think about it, I was crazy to think that I would never travel back to my home and family. However, I guess I could be appreciative because Laken quickly accepted the offer to go home with me and meet my family. As my eyes glanced over towards her sleeping body, I took a deep breath. I mean, this is a big step in a relationship that isn’t even official yet.

          I needed her though. Every part of me needed her standing beside me because in all honesty, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to do it alone. The thing is, I shouldn’t have to do it alone. I deserve this, right? I was making exceptional grades, I had a beautiful girl by my side, and things are always looking up in California. I would be crazy to not be happy. I have everything I need, right?

          My thoughts were suddenly shattered as Laken rolled over towards me and snuggled in close. She almost looked to be awake, but it was odd because the sun hadn't even come up yet. “Morning.” She said, groggily. Her long mane of hair was all tangled and pushed towards the side, and her eyes were barely open.

          A smile immediately formed on my lips as she buried her face into my side, “Good morning beautiful.” I whispered so lightly that she could barely hear me. “What are you doing awake so early?”

          “You felt tense, and I could sense that you were awake.”After a moment of silence, Laken’s head popped up and she eyed me oddly. “And, I had a dream last night. Call me crazy but…I think that the mysterious Beau Bradford invited me to visit his home this weekend in this wild dream.” She murmured, while trying hard to fight the smile that was so obviously taking over her pink lips.

          I couldn’t help but smile as well because every time Laken smiled, she lit up the whole room. It was just a part of her beauty and amazing personality.  “You’re not so crazy, and yes…” I replied, while rubbing my hand over her bare shoulder. “…I did ask you that.”

          Suddenly, Laken was sitting up in the bed, leaving me in my current position on my bed. “Hmm, I think I really may found a good guy for once.” She said, softly while pushing the sheet away from her naked body. I watched as she jumped off the bed and began rummaging around for her clothing.

          I laughed, “Why do you think that?”

          “The mysterious Beau Bradford wants to take me home to let me meet his parents and sister and we haven’t even made it to third base yet!” She said, while stopping for a moment and looked at me. “With most guys…It’s the other way around. They want sex and if you’re good enough to keep, then they may make things more…You know, serious. And, I have to say meeting the parent’s is some pretty serious business. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I want to have sex with you really, really bad but it’s kind of…You know…Sweet that you want to wait and that you want to introduce me to your family.”

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