Perfect: Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen






The closeness of her body killed me, literally. As we stood in the line with Lizzy and her boyfriend, I couldn’t help but glance over at Emma constantly. She was too beautiful to look away from. Though, it also killed me that she had hardly talked to me since we left the nursing home. Every time she would glance at me, I would try to start a conversation but it was like my mouth wouldn’t speak any words. Hell, I didn't know what to say. It was the first time I had been around her since I practically told her how I felt in the middle of the road.


Once again, I looked down at her and she looked up at me. Her pale blue eyes glistened in the darkness and she smiled nervously. I couldn’t help but love it; the way she looked so nervous around me. I didn't know whether it was a good or bad thing but she still smiled. I cleared my throat, “So, how is Dean?” I asked, quietly.


I watched as she looked down to her feet, “He is good.  He’s been working a lot with his dad.” She said, while finally glancing up at me.


I found myself nodding silently, “Well…How have you been?”


“Me?” She looked away and smiled, “I am doing great.”


There was a slight pain in my heart as I heard her telling me that she was doing great but then again I never did think she would tell me she was doing horrible.


Finally, the long line shortened and we were up at the front. I looked over at Lizzy who was holding hands with Chris. As I eyed the guy while he ordered their tickets to the new horror movie, I couldn’t help but think that Lizzy had terrible taste. He wore skinny jeans and a tight white t-shirt. Lizzy looked over at me, while I sized him up and gave me the look. You know, the look that said ‘say anything to him and your dead.’ I laughed a little bit when she grabbed his hand and pulled him inside.


After that I stepped up and ordered two tickets to the new Fast & Furious movie. Every part of me felt nervous that I would be stuck in the same movie theater as her all night long. Don’t get me wrong, I was excited but just nervous.


Moments later, we were sitting in the dark theater and the silence was completely suffocating. Every part of me wanted to know what she was thinking or if she was as nervous as me. I just wanted everything to go back to the way it used to be when we never got nervous around each other. I wanted to make everything okay. Hell if I can’t have her like I want her, friends is better than nothing.


At that time, I turned towards her and studied her. Her eyes shifted over to mine and I could almost feel the heat from her body. “Emmy…” I breathed out, “I am so sorry for everything.”

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