Perfect: Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Check out the pic and music video over there on the side ---------->

have any suggestions on music videos? Let me know!!!!! :)






            As I walked out of Blarney’s I glanced down at my new engagement ring. It was beautiful, and shiny. Honestly, it was like Dean new me best. He knew exactly what I would want and everything. For a long time, I thought that Beau was the only one that knew me like that. Dean fell in step beside me, and Beau was behind us walking. I glanced back at him, thinking of the dance we had just shared between two best friends. He smiled, and then quickly looked away as he stepped slightly onto the street and hailed a cab for us.


            “You know, if you don’t stop staring at that thing you are going to go blind.” He said, while looking back at me and laughing.


            “I am just admiring it. It looks nice on my hand, don’t you agree?” I asked, while looking down once more. “…I just don’t understand how Dean did such a great job picking it out.”


            Beau frowned for a moment, but then covered it up. “Maybe he has a good stylist.”


            I watched him slightly, well I watched him as much as I could, considering Dean was practically falling on me because he was so drunk. I giggled a little bit, wondering how in the hell he is going to wake up for our six a.m. flight to the Bahamas’ for our senior trip. Hell, I don’t even know how I am going to wake myself up! The senior trip is traditional though, almost every senior that could afford it would attend. It was like the trip would be our final days of being high school kids. Then, when we get back we would all go our separate ways, of course. Well, except me, Dean and Beau.


            I held my ring in front of my face and then frowned at Beau’s words. “You just like raining on my parade, don’t you?”


            Beau laughed a breathtaking laugh, and then opened the cab door for me. I pushed Dean into the cab and then looked up at Beau who was standing beside the door.


            He kissed me on the forehead, but his lips lingered longer than they usually do. I felt my heart rate creeping up fast, and I closed my eyes.


            “I was kidding, by the way. Dean picked out a perfect ring, for a perfect girl. You guy’s be careful, Emmy. I’ll call in the morning and wake yall’s drunken asses up then?”

PerfectTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon