Perfect: Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7






       The green and yellow lasers in the club were bright, but everything else was dark. I could smell the sweat of the sweaty body’s that were dancing on the dance floor and the loud techno music pounded in my ears. As I walked through the crowd on the dance floor, my only intentions were to get away from Becky. At the beginning of the night, she had insisted that she take a cab with me, Eddy, and of course some of the other football players. It wasn’t that I really minded, but when she took it upon herself to feel me up in front of everyone else, I lost it.


       She is completely driving me crazy, and I don’t know how to get rid of her.


       So now, I am surfing through the crowd looking for the only girl that can seem to save me from her but she is nowhere around. I had seen her all afternoon since I decided to go out with Eddy, instead of Dean. I knew we would all end up in the same place wither way.


       As soon as I was about to walk off the dance floor and go to the bar, someone grabbed me by the hand and I quickly whirled around to look.


       Though, when I turned to look at her, I couldn’t see her face. I could only make out her shadows from all the flashing lights. I could tell she was smiling though.


       “You look lonely!” She screamed over the music, and I could hear a smile on her voice as she leaned in.


       I looked down and laughed at the random girl that was holding my hand. She started pulling me back towards the dance floor and then started grinding on me with her back turned towards me.


       Immediately, I felt attracted to the girl as my hands rubbed all over her bare stomach. I leaned down and chuckled, “I wasn’t lonely, I was looking for you.” I growled, while feeling her ass grind into the very sensitive part of my body.


       She whirled around, while whipping her dark hair in my face and laughed. “Is that supposed to be a pick up line?” She asked, while dropping it down low. “Because if so, it was terrible.” She laughed.


       I laughed as well and leaned into her neck. “It was a joke, but no really I am hiding from someone.” I explained.


       Her head fell back in laughter, “Girlfriend?”


       I shook my head, and then she frown.


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