Perfect: Chapter Thirty Eight

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         It felt as if the walk was getting longer as I took steps, and it was miserable. I finally made it towards the door frame and wanted to turn around and look at her but I didn’t. I kept walking. If she really wanted to end this, I wouldn’t stop her and I wouldn’t make a fuss. The ball was in her court and walking away without saying anything was me being ‘the best friend’ instead of the one that was completely in love with her.


          All too quickly, I turned around to see her pushing herself slowly off the bed as if she was in pain. I hurriedly walked over to her and grabbed her arm easily, and helped her off the bed. As soon as she stood, she looked up to me. My breath hitched as I looked into her pale blue eyes for the first time in what seemed like forever. They were shimmering with tears, and I could see it on her face. She wanted to be with me, but as soon as I saw it…It disappeared.

          Emma quickly looked down to the ground and slightly shook her head. “I’m sorry.” She whispered.

          It hurt. Emma was apologizing for not wanting to be with me anymore. I felt my teeth grinding together, while trying to keep from crying out. I felt stupid to think that she was calling out to me because she wanted me to stay. It was heartbreaking. However, I managed a smile fake smile and shook my head. “Me too.” I murmured, right before kissing her on her forehead and turning away.

          It wasn’t ideal. And maybe I wasn’t getting what I truly wanted, but for some reason…I knew I would be okay. And I knew Emma would be okay too. It would just take time, just like everything did. Time…Time is the medicine for all heartbreaks. No matter how bad it hurts. In time…Everything would turn around for the better. Maybe I still feel like me and Emma are meant to be, but fate had dealt us all the wrong cards. Maybe it was always supposed to happen like this. The truth is, we would never know. And maybe…Just maybe, sometimes not knowing is better. Sometimes when you play your cards-and lose…You don’t just throw in and quit.

          You get back in the game.




Chapter Thirty Eight








          I sat in the chair at the local coffee shop while looking across the table at the woman who had screwed everything up. Neely sat nervously across from me with her hands surrounding the coffee cup, she wouldn’t look me in the eyes and I could tell that she was nervous. I was just as nervous because I was afraid that I would actually lose it on her but I didn’t. As soon as she walked in and looked at me, I could tell that she was upset. I could tell that she felt bad. For some reason after three weeks of trying my best to ignore her and hate her, I couldn’t find any room in my heart to feel the way I wanted. Thinking about it, Neely had good intentions about telling me about the baby even if it didn’t look about like it at the time.

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