Perfect: Chapter Thirty One

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Chapter Thirty One







           I sat quietly at my vanity and frowned; for what I was looking at was disgusting and ugly. I had spent the whole night crying in Dean’s arms but not because I was upset for hurting him so badly. Only because of Beau. It would always be Beau, and no other. My eyes drooped down low with dark rings around them; I couldn’t force a smile at all. My hair was a mess, and honestly I didn't care what anyone else thought for once. I was wearing an oversized t shirt that I had last worn with Beau. Tears filled my eyes as his smell filled my nostrils. My mind was set on the fact that Dean was in the next room talking on the phone to the Planned Parenthood making my appointment. I had already tried zoning him out, but nothing worked. If I made myself zone Dean out, I would immediately starting thinking of Beau. It was like I was damned if I do and damned if I don’t.


            Finally, I pushed myself up from the small stool and walked over to the bed and studied my bachelorette party dress. It was beautiful, something I had picked out months ago and was so excited to wear but now, the beautiful material of the silver sequined dress had no effect on me what so ever. I didn't want to wear it; nor did I feel like taking part of this party that was planned by my best friend Bridgette.


            I thought about telling her to forget about all of it, but then I would absolutely break her heart. My small hands felt over the rough sequins and I sighed, as Dean walked in slowly and leaned up against the door frame. My eyes glanced up at him and I immediately frowned at the grin that had taken over his lips.


            “Well, everything is all set. However, our honeymoon will have to be set back for a couple of days.” He murmured, while pushing off the door frame and walking towards me.


            I looked up to him again; he was the man that had practically talked me into this-having an abortion. I swallowed hard and then looked away without saying a word.


            In a matter of seconds, Dean was kneeling in front of me and cupping my cheeks, “Come on Emma, you are doing this for our future. I don’t want to ruin what we have because you insist on having another man’s child.” He murmured.


            I squeezed my eyes shut while trying to force the tears back, “Who all knows?” I asked him, with my voice cracking slightly.


            Dean laughed slightly, “Just me and you baby. No one else has to know, if you don’t want them too.”


            Honestly, I was embarrassed to admit that I was having one.  I never thought I would be put into this position. I was always the good girl, the one that never did anything to get into these kinds of situations. And now, here I am. For the longest time I looked down on people like Mandy Chandler and Becky Leaman for sleeping around and putting themselves in these situations. I never once thought what it would be like to be one of those girls.

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