Perfect:Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight






       I stomped over to the other side of the hotel room while Dean still lay on the floor. Part of me was afraid that if I stayed over there another second I would have killed him with my bare hands. The thoughts ran through my mind again while seeing images of Bridgette bouncing on top of him. I squeezed my eyes shut, and thought of Emma. My beautiful, perfect Emma. She doesn’t deserve any of this. How could he? He said he loved her, and proposed to her.


       As I sat down in the chair, I put my head in my hands and sighed while trying to calm myself down. I mean, all in all what he is doing is wrong but he has always been like a brother to me. The lighting in the hotel room was dim, and I could barely see him.


       “What are you thinking Dean?” I asked, with a shaky voice.


       Dean pushed himself up to the bed, and sighed as well. For a moment, I really do think I saw guilt in his eyes. “I-I don’t know Beau. I have no clue what I was thinking. She came on to me, and has been for a while now. She keeps telling me that you have something for Emma and it has been driving me insane.”


       I scoffed, thinking what he was saying was a shitty excuse. “That’s bull shit and you can’t tell me that is the reason you decided to cheat on your fiancé and fuck her best friend.” I spat at him.


       “Beau! You don’t understand. For the past couple of weeks…Emma and I have been really, really distant.” He murmured, in a sad voice.


       I looked over at him, while he laid his head deeply in his hands. “I don’t know what I did Beau. I really fucked up.” He cried.


       In the ten years I had ever been around him I had never once seen him cry. I swallowed hard, vowing myself not to give in easy to his excuses. “You did. How many times?” I demanded.


       He sighed, “Twice.”


       I closed my eyes realizing this wasn’t even the first time he had betrayed her. Suddenly my stomach felt sick, and I couldn’t even bare to look at him. “…We were both drunk…Both times. I-“


       I interrupted him before he could say anymore, “I don’t want to hear about you cheating on one of my best friends with a whore so shut up.”


       He squeezed his eyes shut once again, and another tear fell. “I am sorry. I am so sorry.”

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