Perfect: Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chapter Thirty Three







The lights in the ballroom of New York’s most prestigious Country Club shined brightly in my eyes as I walked through the thick, wooden double doors with Neely on my arm. Soft music filled my ears and I looked to the open space in front of the band. Multiple tables outlined the large room and there was a bigger round table sitting in the middle of the floor. A large, colorful flower display sat in the middle on the white linen table cloth, and the expensive silver utensils shined blazingly in my eyes even from ten feet away. It had to be the head table, where Emma and her family would be sitting with Dean and his. I couldn’t help but think it should be me and my family instead. I couldn’t lie, everything looked ideal and beautiful for a wedding but I hated it. There was no part of me that wanted Emma to marry Dean. The gigantic chandelier hung so high over our heads and I couldn’t help but be mesmerized by it. Of course, I had been in here many different times since mine, Dean’s, and Emma’s families were all members but I had never really looked up and noticed it. But tonight I did. On this particular night, I noticed every little thing. I noticed how Emma’s soft skin was taken over by goose bumps when I hugged her at the church. I noticed when she walked away and set by Neely that there was a serious conversation going on between them too. Even when standing in front of the small audience at the rehearsal, I could feel her serious gaze on me. The huge bouquets of orchids standing half my size in front of the double doors were even taking a toll on me. It seemed like every time I turned around I was facing a bouquet of orchids.


I guess Emma changed her mind about the flowers.


Neely and I walked inside where numerous amounts of people were standing around chatting over only God knows what. I wasn’t interest in hearing the conversations though, the only thing I was interested in was keeping my eyes on Emma all night. I had to know if this was what she wanted, for real. I had to watch and see if she seemed happy and not even more my sake. For her sake. I don’t want her to get into something this big when it could possibly not be what she really wanted. In reality, a lot of it had to do with the way I felt but some of it didn't. I tried my best to focus on something different, but as I zoned out the meaningless conversations between people and Emma, the clinking of wine glasses filled my ears in an annoying way. Thinking of Emma was all I could do.


“This place is…” Neely gasped, as her gaze shifted upwards to the chandelier. “Magnificent.” It was the first words she had really said since we made it to the church. I knew that she was feeling awkward about the other night and I was too but it was something that just happened. We couldn’t take it back, so why be weird about it? It’s not like we actually slept together. Something just seemed off with Neely’s personality tonight, and I couldn’t really put a finger on it.


I laughed, wanting to agree with her assumption but I couldn’t be in awe. I had seen this place a million different times with all the same people. You know, the people that walk around like they own the place and don’t have to answer to anyone? It just wasn’t new to me, like it was to her. “It’s okay.” I stated, while shoving my hand into my pocket and searching around the room for her.

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