Chapter 39: I'm Dead

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Four's POV

The whispers echo through the halls just adding fuel to my fire. I close my eyes and listen. They're planning on killing my father, ha maybe I should let them. But I can't hold back my anger anymore. I leap from the shadows and kill all 12 of them before they even knew I was there.

I click my watch and their faces pop up.
Jack Marvin- wanted for murderer.
I plug in that he's dead and do the others. The police don't know who's doing all the killings, in fact they think it's Amar.

But I already got my assassins license so I can kill anyone as long as they're wanted dead. And the past three weeks, that's all I've been doing.

Everything I see is so colorless, like grey blurred in everything, everything except the blood on my hands. The sky expands far from up here. Normally I wouldn't be up high, but this is different. Tris was the only one who even believed I could overcome my fear of heights.

I grab the window ledge of the old building and hoist myself up. Anger floods me and I yank myself up, jumping up on the occasion. Soon I've scaled the whole building and am on the roof.

The sky looks darker now, almost black. Not a single star in the sky, not even the moon. The wind is icy, not like a nice spring breeze.

I stare out at Chicago. The pain I felt starts to increase. The empty feeling in my gut grows and the pain in my heart becomes unbearable. I fall to my knees clutching my heart gasping. I remember being told when I was young that emotional pain can turn into physical pain.

I groan falling to my hands now. Soon I lay on my back gasping for air. I feel like I'm having a heart attack while being starved to death from the emptiness I feel. The loneliness.

I lay on my back finally taking the pain. This is worse than any bullet I've ever taken. Yet reality still hasn't hit me, Tris will die.

I scream at the top of my lungs. It hurt, it hurt so bad I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move, just sat there yelling at the top of my lungs clawing at my chest.

Soon I felt the pain of torn stitches. The stitches in my arm broke which just added to the pain, my clothes were soon soaked in blood as I lay on my back no longer moving. If someone were to find me they may think I was murdered by the way I'm laying here.

I don't fall asleep. I don't know what I do. It's so hard to tell when I'm sleeping and when I'm awake. Like telling the difference between a stormy day or a cloudy night. Never really awake but never really asleep.

Soon the pain subsides and I feel a strange pull towards home. As if God Himself was telling me to go home. The voices in my head started to argue. I didn't listen to either. Just sat there, I can't stay here forever. Or can I?

Eventually they argued a no and I slowly got up dizzy from blood loss. It became hard to breathe now. Like her loss was finally settling on me. I stumble down the steps, no longer gracefully walking of fear of being caught. I trip down a flight of stairs and grunt as I land at the bottom, pulling myself up with my good arm.

I groan as I walk again down more stairs. I go back to the third floor where I shot the murderers. Instead of finding bodies I hear more voices, this time voices of cops. How long was I up there? The flashes of cameras show that forensics is here.

I could just walk up to them, show them my license, and even get a reward for what I've done. But then I would be in the newspaper and I don't think my father would approve of him being looked at as the father of a killer.

I know there's no way out of this. Especially in my condition. I look out the window to the grass below. I stand on the window sill looking down. It's only three stories, right?

I guess Amar was right, I do do stupid things when Tris is gone. I take one breathe and jump.

My coat flys upward as I fall feet first. Once my feet connect the ground I absorb it falling into my good arm and roll multiple times. I end laying the same way I did while I was on the roof. Shrugging off the pain a even more painful memory hits me.

Tris POV
Chapter 2: Servants to the Boys? Hell No!

"Tris? Could you come out now?"

I look at the end of the bed and start to crawl towards it. Only if I could get the end of the bed then make a run for it.

I jump out from under the bed only to be stopped my two arms holding me underneath my armpits causing my feet to be off the ground. Four lifts one eyebrow at me unimpressed. I swing my legs and kick him causing him to drop me.

Then he throws me over his shoulder and I scream at the top of my lungs and he drops me. I kick him in the shins and run only to fall over ledge and grab Four who trips and breaks the railing sending us to the first floor.

We land on our legs but fall to our backs. We both just sit there staring at the ceiling. Everyone stares while we groan then we get up and walk away.

Four's POV

The memory of it hits me hard and my heart once more longs for her. Even if she hates me then I still wish she was here.

I stumble home, ignoring all my surroundings. People hurried by, probably just thinking I was homeless. If any DH students were nearby they wouldn't recognize me because of my condition.

Soon I see the gate and press the button to let me in.
"Who are you?" The man asks. I turn and glare at him. His eyes widen and he opens the gate. I don't even know if I drove there or walked.

Once I walk up to my room I see my sisters are in bed. They look up at me with fear in their eyes. I probably look like a monster to them. Pale, full of my blood and others blood, a couple broken bones at least, a bleeding chest, baggy eyes, it looks like I haven't slept in weeks, which is true.

I drag my feet into my room and fall on my bed.
"You know you should visit her," Amar's voice says to me. I guess I saw him when I came in but never really actually processed there was another person in the room.

"What will that do?" I ask through the pillow.
"Who knows, maybe she's listening," he sounds to optimistic for him.
"Four you can't go around killing people like that," that's the Amar I know.

"That's what you did when your mom died," I said finally sitting up.
"Four you don't know if she's dead!" Amar shouts. I can't imagine the guilt flooding through him. It's his fault she was kidnapped and I know how much he cared for her. She was like his little princess.

"You're the only one who thinks she won't pull through," his voice calms.
"And when I think she'll pull through then what? She'll magically come back to life because I believe she will huh?"
He scowls at me standing up.

"I just don't want to think she'll live then she dies," I sigh slouching.
"Amar, why do I feel this way, I've been through so much, why out of all the things does this kill me?" I ask.
"Cause you did the stupidest thing a person could do, a mistake I did as well," he stands at the doorway.
"What's that?" I ask.
"You loved," with that he walks out.

I check my clock, 1:30 a.m. Then I do something I should've done a long time ago.

                 +               +             +

"Tris," I say while holding her hand, "Sorry I didn't come earlier," I murmur. Her lifeless body doesn't respond.
"Tris, I killed a lot people. I hurt so many people, bad people, but still people," I sigh. I watch as her heart monitor beats rhythmically.

"Tris please I need you, I'm dying without you," I plead. I sit there for hours and hours. I say nothing just sit there.

"Just one more kiss, one more word, one more glance, one more," I cry.

That's when I see the heart beat.

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