Chapter 70: Hot! Hot! Hot!

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As much as I wanted to shout at the girls and tell them I'm fine this was honestly heaven. I had been to a few spas in my day and age but this one was beyond anything I'd ever experienced. It took about thirty minutes of convincing me while I said it was a bad idea and all I wanted was Netflix but they eventually convinced, and boy was it worth it.
"I told you," Christina sighs next to me and I can't help but laugh at her now green face with cucumbers blinding her.
"Alright fine, you were maybe, possibly right about this place," I sigh and soon an old lady with dark tan skin appears and covers my eyes with the same vegetable that covers Christina's.

"OMG that was literally the best thing ever!" I hear Shauna's voice and tilt my head causing the cucumbers falling onto my cheeks. Shauna, Lynn, and Marlene all come out from the sauna, a fluffy white robe the only thing on their bare bodies. I glance over all of them to see their skin glowing, their faces seem clearer and their posture more relaxed than ever.

"Your turn!" Marlene cheers and yanks me by the arm until I'm standing to my full height which is still about 4 inches shorter than her.

"Fine but unlike you girls I ain't going nude," I give them a sassy look and continue walking towards the sauna as Christina follows. Taking my robe off I sit there in nothing but my underwear and a tank top.
"Girl drop your phone off," Christina says from behind me and motions to the tray that her phone rests on, "It would get wet," she shrugs and waltzes in as I place my phone in and walk into the steamy room.

I gently close the door and make sure it isn't locked, that'd suck to get locked in here.

I glance over at the thermometer and see it's 100⁰F, "Jeez it's hot in here," I breathe out as the steam clings to my bare arms.
"Hun that's only cause I'm in here," Christina says with a sly grin and I can't help but snort at her as her green face mask starts to melt off of her face.

Soon I find myself closing my eyes and taking in the warmth of the rainforest vibe that surrounded me. Christina and mine small talk soon turned to labored breathes as the air around us seemed to be rather thin and scarce, instead of finding myself relaxing I started to have flashbacks of terrors I experienced in my past.

"Are we done in here?" I whine to Christina as she sits in nothing but her bra and undies now.
"Defiantly," we both spring upwards towards the door and right when my hand finds itself around the warm handle I wiggle the knob.
"Chr..Christina, it's not opening," I stutter and take a step back for her to try. She wiggles the handle even harder than I did.

Glancing back at me with a panicked look she asks, "Did you make sure it was unlocked?"
"Yes I'm positive," I say with panic laced in my words. Soon the steam blurs her face and we glance over at the temperature to be 110⁰ now.
"What the hell is going on?" she shouts as more sweat falls down my body than steam and I soon feel like I'm in the devil's bedroom.

Standing right in front of the hot door I start to bang on it with my fist but it's large build to keep all of the cold out seemed to keep our voices and cries out as well.
"That's no use they won't be able to hear us," Christina says sitting on the plastic bench.
"Well what are we supposed to do? I have not lived this long just to die in a freaking sauna!" I shout throwing my hands in the air which made me feel like I was dancing in the rain with all the water around me.

"Shouldn't they notice we've been in here for a long time?" she says with worry in her eyes.
"I... I mean maybe, we just have to get out of here."

Marlene's POV

"All right ladies all done!" the old lady smiles and I feel my skin crawl, dang that lady could use a spa day herself. The smile she gives us is false and the dead look in her eyes screams, 'hurry up and leave I have more important things to do'

I give her my best angry smile back and waltz over to the changing rooms with Lynn and Shauna chattering in front of me. Once we get in I grab my phone and text Uriah immediately. He told me he'd pick me up right from here and take me to dinner for our 9 month anniversary tonight, he told me he wanted me to be relaxed all day so sent me to the spa like the amazing man he is. Plus no matter how long I tried to convince him I could pay for it myself that little idiot wouldn't budge. He's an igit but I love him anyways.

"Hey how long have Christina and Tris been in the sauna?" Shauna asks while drying her hair off.
"Thirty minutes?" I say and glance at my phone.
"Um more like 45, I don't think that's a good thing," Lynn says glancing between the two of us.
"Well how long were we in it cause it was really hot then?" I ask.
"Only 15 minutes," Shauna breathes.

"Oh shit," Lynn mutters and we all run over to where we remember the sauna to be. I grab the handle and wiggle it.
"It's locked!" I shout to the girls.
"Shit!" Lynn shouts again and she disappears around the corner and in only a second she's back with what looks like a key. Jabbing it in the hole she wiggles it as fast as she can but it takes her sister to shove her out of the way and twist it with what looks like all her might for it to finally open up.

Throwing the door open what felt like a door to hell hits us like a tsunami wave. In there are two silhouettes that look identical to Christina and Tris and as they stumble out I realize they are barely recognizable as our two best friends. Their skin is bright red and burned like they spent an entire week in Florida without suntan lotion while their hair drenched and falling down their backs in a disheveled mop. Not to mention their undergarments are soaked and look completely ruined.

"Towels we need towels!" Shauna shouts down the halls and two women come around the corner, their eyes turning the size of golf balls at the sight of Tris and Christina.
"I.." Tris heaves, "I told you the sauna was a bad idea." Christina only scowls at her, "I know I know."


Tris POV

Four's cold hands place the ice pack on my back once more as my mother paces the floor saying how she's going to sue them for give me first degree burns all over my body.  I know my parents will get the most expensive medical care possible to help fix this but how in the world am I supposed to sleep?

"No mom it probably wasn't even their fault," I sigh as Four puts another icepack on my mid-back.
"Not their fault!?" she scolds, "How on earth is it not their fault? They locked my daughter in a sauna that was 10⁰ higher and for 15 minutes extra than what's legal in Chicago!"
"But.. just, ugh!" I say into my hands, I don't want to say it, at least not out loud. It's one thing to think it but saying it out loud in front of other people seems to set it in stone.

"Four honey would you please translate what the heck my daughter is saying to me?" I don't know if I should cringe or smile at the fact that my mom just called Four 'honey'.
"I think what she's trying to get at is.... maybe the person who released the photos also did this," he sighs. HOOP THERE IT IS.

My mother is silent for a moment before huffing and muttering that she's going to go call my father. Of course, cause the only thing better than a fuming mother, is a fuming father. I feel a bare arm wrap around me from behind, his usual warm arms now feel cold due to the burns that cover me.

"How are you doing?" Four asks in my ear and I smile a bit.
"Better now," I smirk and turn my head so our foreheads are resting against each other.
"How about we go in the family room and watch a movie," he raises an eyebrow and my smirk spreads all the way across my face. Finally what I've been wanting to do all day!
"Yeah," I say sounding like a five year old who just got offered a tub of ice cream.

Heading over to the family room I can't help but limp as my feet burn with the impact of the ground and my weight. I watch as Four lays a smooth blanket on the leather couch so my skin doesn't stick to it, then pats on the seat next to him. I slide in next to him as painless as possible and cuddling my sore head into the crook of his neck taking in the scent of his cologne.

I hear the TV turn on and listen as Marley and Me starts to play. I feel myself start to drift in his arms as the events from today start to settle in on me.
"You want to know something Tobias?" I mutter into his chest and feel it vibrate in response.
"I really really really really love you," I say looking up to meet his deep blue eyes.
"You want to know something Beatrice?" and I smile at his words.
"I really really really really love you too."

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