Harry Potter [E]

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It was the day of the first task today. Fleur, Cedric and Krum had all fought their dragons and it was now Harry's turn.

The Hungarian Horntail only waited for Harry to try and take its egg, as it creepily crawled after him, spitting fire while it chased his body around the battle area.

You were cheering beside Hermione and Ron, when Harry suddenly showed up again, after having hidden behind a rock. You saw him concentrate before his voice covered the place as he summoned his broom.

"Accio broom!" He yelled and pointed his wand into the air before ducking the flame from the Hungarian Horntail.

Some seconds later, the broom flew into the battlefield with lightning speed. Harry grabbed his broom and began flying after the egg. The horntail spews fire after him again, making you gasp, grabbing Ron in the process as you needed something to hold onto. You shut your eyes closed as the flame hit him, right before he flew out of the battlefield.

"Go Dragon!"

Turning your upper body around you sent the twins a glare, them winking back at you as your eyes met. You loudly scoffed, shaking your head before turning around and began internally planning their deaths.

You didn't concentrate on any of the other students, them being shocked and scared of the now not-so-tied-down dragon. The people around you searched the sky for any sign of Harry or the dragon as did you. You could hear them talk in hushed whispers, not really knowing how to react on the situation.

Finally, you saw Harry return. The thought of him being okay made you smile to yourself, feeling a slight blood rush come to your cheeks, making your already red face even redder.

You hurriedly left Ron and Hermione to find Harry.
You've had a huge crush on him since the third year, but he didn't know. Of course, he didn't know. Harry could be so dimwitted that even the simplest things like, when Seamus tried to turn water into rum, could make him confused. When you thought of it, Ron wasn't actually that smart either. If it hadn't been for Hermione and yourself, the boys wouldn't even have made it through their first year at Hogwarts.

When you entered the mini hospital that Madam Pomfrey had made in the contestant tent and found Harry sitting on a bed with ointment on his arm, you immediately went over to him and flung your arms around him.

"You made me so scared Harry," you quietly whispered into the crook of his neck, listening to his unsteady breath.

He chuckled and hugged you tightly back, smiling down at the petite body in his grasp.

"No seriously! If you get killed, then I won't hesitate to kill you afterwards!" You stated angrily, looking into his greenish eyes.

"Sorry," he apologised laughing slightly as he rubbed your head softly.

"You better be," you angrily spat, folding your arms with a fake pout, making Harry grin wildly while chuckling.

You looked up at him with a huge smile on your lips. Locking eyes with each other, the tension in the room suddenly changed.

He slowly began leaning closer to you, his face nearing yours. Your mind went crazy, since it knew, what was going to happen. For the first time, your lips met his. You felt his lips curl into a smirk as he continued to calmly kiss you, sending your thoughts literally everywhere.

He steadily began threading his fingers through your hair, while you continued to caress his soft cheeks with your hands, sometimes also combing your fingers through his hair. He retracted from the kiss with a grin, letting you both get some air and making you giggle at the face he made.


Looking to your right, you saw Madam Pomfrey staring straight back at the two of you with a look that could kill. You quickly translated the body language of her foot tapping the floor as a sign of pure impatience.

"Sorry to ruin the moment, but Mr. Potter here," she pointed at Harry, emphasizing his last name, "he has to get his treatment and needs to rest."

You slowly parted away from each other, while Madam Pomfrey sat down a tray of various herbs on the table beside Harry's bed.

Before you could leave the tent, he gently grabbed your hand, nudging it as he spoke. "I'll see you later, right?"

You nodded, smiling weakly at the thought of you and him becoming a thing, making you lightly blush and grip onto your sweater, you being nervous and flustered.

"See you, Harry," you spoke still blushing as he showed you his charming smile. He waved and you began leaving the tent when you heard Madam Pomfrey mutter.

"Young love, tsk."


Harry Potter ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora