Sirius Black

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Y/l/n = Your last name.

You ran to Ancient Runes since were running late. You rounded a corner and bumped into someone.

"Watch where y-" The person trailed off. " Y/l/n. Nice to see you here babe."


No... No! NO NO!

Sirius Black, the most idiotic boy in Hogwarts. Also known as the guy who keep trying to flirt with you.

You tried walking past him, but he began following you.

"For the love of God sake, leave me alone!" You screamed.

"Rather impossible." Sirius chuckled.

You sighed and speed your pace up a little. Sirius footsteps were still behind you. You groaned and turned around.

"What is it you need to stop following me?" You asked, eyebrows raised.

Sirius thought for some time and then said: "A kiss."

You were a little shocked, but if it would stop him for making you go crazy, then okay.

You closed the gape and kissed him lightly on the lips, pulled away after some seconds and began walking again.

You turned around, Sirius' s mouth agape.

"Oh and Sirius, close your mouth. You don't want to choke on some flies." I grinned, leaving him and walking the last steps to Ancient Runes.

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