》I got challenged..... again《

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So PassTheButterBeer challenged me yet another time, where I now have to post things about myself.

I hope you enjoy my facts.

So enjoy!

Eye colour? I have green eyes with a hint of brown around the pupil. It's a foressssssst with lots and loooootssss of treessss!

Hair colour?
My hair colour is a mix between light brown and blonde. I actually hate it, as I can't say my hair is either brown nor blonde..

One fact about me? I like cake and I don't think I say it enough. Did I say I like cake? More than Icecream. Love the cool stuff, but if I got to choose one of those things, that I would eat for the rest of my life, I would definitely choose cake.
Don't even think about it. Always. Choose. Cake.


Favourite colour? I like how many times I have to write colour. There isn't really many questions, that aren't about colours apparently, but if I should choose my favorite colour, I'm going to say pastels or black and white!

Favourite place?
My bed. Is this seriously even a question? Obviously my bed..

Favourite celeb?
I love almost all of them. *Coughs* "Dylan O'brien, Thomas Sangster, Robert Pattinson, Oliver and James Phelps, Joe Sugg, Dylan Sprayberry, Selena Gomez, Mø or Mo as many call her, Atticus Mitchell, Holland Roden, Crystal Reed, Casper Lee, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles and so on.
But if I could only choose one, it would definitely be Emma Watson, who I think is the prettiest, kindest, funniest and smartest woman/girl on earth apart from all you guys.

Favourite animal?
Okay how many times do I seriously have to write 'favourite'? It's not like it's my favourite word?....
I love Pandas. They are so fluffy and clumsy like me...
I hate camels.

Don't ask.

Favourite song?
I can't choose. I seriously can't choose...
What is wrong with me? Wait..

Favourite book?
The books from the beginning.
It's a serie, that I like very much and is made by
John Stephens.

So that was what I was challenged to answer.

I love you all very much, but I'm gonna be evil me now and choose 5 unlucky people, who HAVE to answer the questions I answered.

I tag:






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