Roger Davies [E]

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Warning: Contains swearing!

Today was yet another Saturday and the day of the first Quidditch match. Ravenclaw against Gryffindor. You were the seeker for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and you probably already know, who the seeker was for Gryffindor. Harry Potter, the boy who lived.

Nervousness was eating you up from the inside. The hands of your body were getting quite clammy and you felt your bangs stick a bit to your forehead. You, of course, knew the pressure laying on your shoulders.

Harry was not just the youngest seeker of the century to get into Quidditch. He was also unbeatable since no one had beaten him at catching the snitch before.

It was getting harder and harder to breathe as you heard the cheers of the rest of Hogwarts, awaiting your arrival, so the game could begin. You gulped down the spit in your mouth, becoming more anxious for every second.

"You can do it, I know you can."

Turning around you saw Roger Davies, the captain of your team smile at you, having noticed how you twitched and writhed your body around.

He felt his heart stop when you had turned around to look at him while biting your lower lip as a sign of being nervous.

"I wouldn't have chosen you as my seeker if I knew you were terrible at catching the snitch," he explained, crossing his arms as he spoke to you.

You grinned at his attempt to make you feel better and let out a giggle in the process. Though the smile on your lips didn't last long and your lips slowly slipped into a pout.

"Gryffindor has won since Potter appeared, so the chance of me getting the Snitch before him is like finding a specific grain of sand on a beach."

"Things become impossible when you convince yourself that they are. Your biggest opponent on the field isn't Harry, Y/n. It's yourself," he answered, giving a shrug as if to say your statement was wrong.

"I believed in myself that I could be Quidditch captain, and now I am one. You can do it, okay? I believe in you."

Your cheeks were flushed a light pink colour from all the praising and you found yourself unable to do anything other than keeping your eyes on your feet. Nodding, you looked up at Roger, whose head was tilted to the side as he watched your movements. His smile had your heart skip a beat, though you quickly recovered and returned to your sassy self.

"Oh, so that's why you became Quidditch captain. I just thought no one wanted the position and therefore you were the one to get it."

"Ouch. That hurt," he feigned hurt by putting a hand on his heart. Though, he quickly began to grin when he heard you muttering, "drama queen."

He lightly gave your arm a puff with his shoulder because of your sarcastic comment, his attempt to make you smile working.

"Sorry, not sorry," you grinned and held your broom tighter in your grip. "Thanks for cheering me up."

"It's my job, but you're very much welcome," he ruffled your hair, making you react by slapping his hand away hurriedly, not wanting to go out and play with unruly hair.

"Now promise me to kick Harry's arse, so I can truly say, we have the best seeker, okay?" He held out his pinky finger, having you look at it with a questioning look.

"Promise me," he nodded his head at his pinky finger.

"I promise," you spoke rolling your eyes, being a tad smitten of him by how he always cheered everyone on the team up.

"Come on, let's win this game!" Roger cheered, sticking his arm into the air, getting everyone else to do the same before he let his armrest on your shoulder, pulling you into his side as you together walked outside and onto the field.

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