Dumbledore [E]

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"Albus I came as soon as I could! What is the emergency?!" Minerva shouted confused to the headmaster, who stood with his back to her, when she had entered the room.

"We have a code rainbow, Minerva. Code rainbow!" Dumbledore erupted loudly as he began walking back and forth while his arms was let to freely let themselve do hand motions.

The female teacher glanced at her best friend and boss with a confused grimace on her face. She couldn't remember what code rainbow was again.

They had codes for almost everything. Like code black was Harry in a emergency, code nose was Voldemort attempting to kill Harry........................Well, again, and code yellow was when Dumbledore would be out of lemon drops and needed to restore his storage of them.

"I'm sorry Albus, but what is it code rainbow stands for, again?" Minerva asked him as Dumbledore abruptly stopped up and gave her this creepy and sickly smile.

"My ship has finally sailed," the headmaster replied cheerfully before he began to jump around his office.

"Albus. You don't own a ship," the female professor bewildered remarked as she stared intently at the older man before her.

"You don't understand Minerva! Dramione is finally happening! My OTP is finally making progress," Dumbledore fangirled with this shrill girly voice.

"Pardon?" She asked back in a attempt to make any of this make sense.

"Miss Granger hit Mr. Malfoy right in the face. It was absolutely awesome!" The headmaster giggled as he was about to sit himself down in his chair, but fell instead down and landed on his butt on the floor while continuing to giggle quietly.

"Albus I think you need to see a doctor," Minerva stated as she walked over to the giggling 150 year old man before helping him stand up and slowly walk through the office.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Dumbledore suddenly erupted and then looked to his best friend.

"Can we pick some bags of lemon drops up on the way back? I want to celebrate this fantastic miracle," he grinned happily while linking his arm with Minerva.

"Of course Albus. Of course," she answered with a small smile tugging on her lips as they walked out of the office.


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