》George Weasley x Cheyenne《

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It's year four and I know that they don't play Qudditch as the triwizard tournament is going on, but they sorta have to in this imagine.

"Say Potter, have you seen your backup in Qudditch?" Draco Malfoy asked him as Harry walked with the twins to the Qudditch field on their way to practice, when Draco suddenly popped up in front of them.

"No." Harry replied and looked at the Weasley twins, to get some kind of answer from them.

"Don't look at us-" George started.

"-We know as much as you." Fred finished, both brothers looking at the boy who lived.

"Be careful Potter." Malfoy spat and grinned widely while he folded his arms, Crabbe and Goyle now standing behind him.

"She could take your place." Draco ended and smiled wickedly leaving them shocked, his gang following closely after him.

"She?" Harry thought out loud, only making the twins look at each other and smirk.


"She is goooooood." George breathed as they walked on to the field, seeing a girl with long black hair putted into a ponytail, fly a firebolt fast. Really fast.

A glare was sent George's way, making George cough rather hurriedly as he tried to avoid Harry's cold stare.

"But nothing compared to you." He fastly added, making Fred clap his brother's shoulder, mumbling the words; "Good save bro, good save."

They watched the girl fly around the field as she chased the snitch, catching it after a few minutes.

When Wood made his presence, three boys with hanging mouths stood before him all gawking at the blackhaired beauty.

"So I see you have meet Cheyenne." Oliver half laughed as he grinned knowingly at them.

He got no reply from any of them, making him slightly concerned.

"Harry. As you already know, you are competing in the triwizard tournament, and I therefore have to have a reserve, since you will be busy with the trials and such." Wood explained Harry as he finally got the attention from the golden boy.

"I can still be seeker while competing." Harry argued angrily, not wanting anyone to take his spot, not even a girl as beautiful as her.

"It's my final decision, come on we have to train harder if we want to win this year." Wood stated, patting Harry's shoulder gently and walked away, leaving the three behind as he walked out to the pitch.

"I can't believe he did that! Put me off the team! Fred, George what do yo-" as he turned around he was greeted by nothing, but silence and groaned as he now saw the twins making their way to the girl, who stole his spot on the team.


"Hello Cheyenne." The twins erupted together as they flew up in front of the now surprised girl, who shocked stopped her broom abruptly as she stared at the identical boys in front of her.

"Who are you?" She asked confused as she tried getting away from the two, that stopped her up.

"We are just the two-" Fred grinned and smiled at his brother then back to Cheyenne.

"Who stop the bludgers from hurting your pretty face." George finished as he tried to bow slightly, his brother doing the same.

"Okay. Nice to meet you." Cheyenne replied and flew upwards, startling the twins as she suddenly disappeared into the skies.

The twins grinned at each other as they flew each their own way and searched the skies, looking for the pretty new Gryffindor seeker.

George saw a bit of a red and gold Qudditch robe and quickly found the girl, who hid behind many thick skies.

"Say, you and me, Yule ball?" He asked smirking as he for a moment saw her smirking back before she returned to her confident self.

"I'm very sorry, but a person has already asked me, and I happened to say yes." She smirked teasingly, waiting for a reaction from the fellow Gryffindor.

"Who?" George asked as he suddenly became a bit jealous.

"A ginger. Very confident and very well-known." She replied and flew away, possibly down to the field again.

George thought confused for a minute before he smacked himself on his forehead.

"Oh, she meant me." He thought out loud before grinning widely.

"She was attracted by the George-girl-attract-power." He smirked and held tightly on to his broom.

"Still got it." He whispered to himself as a smile crept on to his lips, flying down to the field as he couldn't stop smiling.

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