》Percy Weasley x Hailie《

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Percy's pov.

"Ey, staring at that Hufflepuff again Percy?" Fred poked his older brother with his arm, having seen the older Weasley boy's stares to the black and yellow Hufflepuff table.

It seemed as if Percy was that over-confident person, who was Mr. Know it all. Just not around Hailie Barrow, the girl, who always was smiling.

Even though she sometimes was sad, she hid her feelings behind her beautiful smile, her brunette curls falling into her eyes, as she laughed sweetly at the jokes her friends told.

She was the most breathtaking thing on earth, making him become flustered, as soon as he neared her, not being able to say anything. Not even a simple "hey."

"Shut up Fred!" He embarrassed whispered-yelled at one of his three little brothers, who happened to be one of the most teasing, irriatating and pranking people at Hogwarts.

"Have you heard George? Big old Percy has a crush on Barrow." Fred cheered at his brother, who only returned Fred's outburst with a sigh and rolled eyes.

"Tell me something I don't know." George pipped up and shook his head slightly, looking onto the long table they sat at in the great hall.

Percy was thankful for George being more quiet and serious, but couldn't help, but be slightly bummed about Fred being the completely opposite.

"So, ever going to ask her out?" Fred asked interrupting the silence, that had been between them for ten seconds.

"Why should I? I'm not brave enough to do it, and even if I did, she would probably just turn me down." Percy explained, sinking down on the bench, as he quickly scanned his eyes over Hailie, seeing her talk happily with her friends, doing what she likes the most and he hurriedly retracted his gaze upon the delicious-looking feast in front of him.

"But you don't know if she would say no, do you?" Fred argumented, making him sign heavily and shake his head.


"Hailie, wait up!" Percy yelled, as he ran down the halls, gathering all the courage he could while he slowly neared the brunette Hufflepuff, who surprised turned around and smiled at him warmly, telling her friends she'll be with them soon.

"Hello Percy." Her voice rang in his ears, as he listened to her saying a quick hello.

"He-ee-ee-ey." He stuttered out, fumbling with his hands nervously while refusing to look the girl wearing yellow and black robes in the eyes.

An awkward silence spread between the two of them, no one uttering a single word, making Percy become really frustrated with himself.

"Is there something important you want to tell me Percy? Because I have class soon and I don't want to be late." Hailie stated, as she nervously placed one chunk of her brown hair behind her ear while looking at the ground before she looked up  at him, biting her lip.

She smiled cutely at him, making Percy stare at her, as he tried mustering some words out.

"I-I-I wa-a-ante-ed to-o." Percy stammered and fumbled with his hands nervously again, holding them close to his stomach.

"I-I wa-a-a-anted to-o-o." Percy sighed deeply before he cleared his throat and looked the stunning brunette in front of him in the eyes, seeing she had cocked her head a bit to the side, as she waited for him to say something.

"Will-you-go-with-me-to-the-next Hogsmeade-trip?" He spoke very fast, making Hailie look at him confused.

"Could you please say it again?" She asked him kindly, making his breath hitch, as he had thought he finally had gotten it off his back, now having to say it again.

"Will you go with me to the next Hogsmeade trip?" Percy asked her again, this time much more slowly.

Her facial expression turned to a sad one, as Percy now knew she already was going with someone surely.

"I'm sorry, but I promised my friends to go with them-"

"No, I get it, you got plans and such." Percy interrupted her, turning around to walk away while the thought of having completely embarrassed himself was in his mind.

"No, wait Percy." Hailie called gripping onto his arm, stopping him from going any further.

"You, me, next Hogsmeade trip?" She asked him sweetly, making his cheeks heat up from the touch from her hand on his arm.

Percy couldn't utter a word again, as he speakless nodded his head yes, making her beam in pure happiness.

"I'll see you, okay?" Hailie told him, but it was more asked as an quiestion.

Percy nodded once again, as he smiled weakly at her, making her smile back beautifully.

"Bye." She choruses, kissed his right cheek and hurriedly ran down the hall, making Percy stand back surprised.

He rubbed his cheek softly, as he saw her swiftly run around a corner, making him sign deeply, as he smiled happily, rubbing his hand up and down the back of his neck.

"You owe me five Galleons!" A common voice rang from behind him, seeing Fred hand out wizard money to George, who smirked before giving Percy a grin, which made Percy smack his hand onto his forehead.


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