》Draco Malfoy x Ellie《

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(Ellie your name will be Ellie Johnson, since I needed a last name.)

"You will be working on a assignment with a partner." Professor Snape trailed off.

People around class cheered and
I looked at Lucy, my best friend and grinned, knowing we would choose each other.

Professor Snape smirked evily.

"That I have chosen for you, and is with a Gryffindor, if you're a Slytherin and vice versa.." He continued on.

Everybody groaned or sighed and waited for their name to be called.

"Ms. Granger and Mr. James.
Ms. Parkinson and Mr. Longbottom.
Mr. Potter and Mr. Zabini.
Mr. Malfoy.. and Ms. Johnson."

Snape continued naming everyone in the class and putting them in pairs, but I was too shocked to hear the rest.
I was with Malfoy? The stupid and evil git who I hate?
No please not him!

I looked behind me, as Malfoy always sit in the back of the class and saw him smirking at me.

I quickly and embarrassed looked back and just heard the last Snape said.

"Go in your groups now and turn to page 394 in your books, to see the wolfbane potion you will make next week. Read carefully and study the herbs."He saluted, almost military like.

I sighed and walked to the back of the class and sat down beside Malfoy.

I looked down on the assignment and began reading. I felt Draco stare at me, so I turned my head and looked at him.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He grinned and looked down at his book.

I continued looking at him for about five seconds, but turned my head away and continued on reading the text.

After what felt like two minutes, I felt a hand on my knee, that slowly crept closer to my inner leg.

"Draco, what are you doing?" I asked him, feeling uncomfortable under his touch.

"Nothing." He smiled innocently back.

His hand travelled closer and closer to my thigh and I felt my breath hitch in my throat.

I stopped his hand right before it planted itself on my thigh and pushed it away.

I tried reading again, but it wouldn't work, since Draco made me nervous somehow.


After class ended I walked to the library to cool off and find a book about herbs for the assignment.

I sat down in a corner in the back of the library and began reading the book I found, not wanting to fail potions.

"Studying without me, are we?" A irritating voice sounded.

I shut the book, so it made a loud *bang* and stood up.

"What is your problem Malfoy?" I hissed and held the book tightly into me.

"You." He replied, looking nervously at me.

"Me?" I asked feeling myself get terribly confused.

"I'm your problem?" I asked and looked at him, just wanting to get away.

"I love you." He said and looked me in the eyes. Our eyes locked and he smiled nevously at me.

"You what?" I gabed wide eyed.

"You heard it the first time Chestnut. I'm not gonna say it again." He spat and looked at me angrily.

"I can't believe it.." I mumbled and felt myself stare Draco down.

"I knew it. You don't want to be with a Slytherin. Would ruin your image." He said and turned away, looking pretty hurt.

"Wait Draco! I never said anything!" I trailed off, grabbing his shoulders with my hands, that now rested on his shoulders.

"You wouldn't know if I actually love you back if you just left." I told him and locked gazes yet again.

"You love me too?" He asked, probably feeling hopeful.

I nodded as a answer and instantly felt lips on my own.

My hands traveled to around his neck, while his held me around the waist. I kissed back, feeling myself get all warm inside.
I caressed his right cheek with my right hand, wanting the kiss not to end.

I thought if anyone ever kissed Draco, it would be fast and rough, not passionate and slow.
His tongue slipped into my mouth and battled with mine.
My hands found its way to his hair and his held me tighter.

After a good five minutes making out, we parted and just held each other close.

I heard his heartbeat racing loudly. He smiled down at me.

"Should we get the assignment finished Mrs. Malfoy?" He asked in a teasing voice, smirking down at me.

"Sure. Wait what did you call me?" I asked.
He sat down and patted his lap as a sign for me to sit myself there.

So I did.

"Nothing." He said and smiled widely, putting his arms around me and held me tight.


I'm not a fan of writing smut and stuff like that, so this was pretty awkward for me to write. I have no experience with it either, since I don't have a boyfriend, but I hope you liked it Ellie!♡

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