The Teachers at Hogwarts [E]

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"Okay, so have everyone placed their bets?" Dumbledore's voice roared through his office as he slammed a hammer down on the podium he was standing by. If you didn't know what their secret meetings was about, you'd think they were going through some case at a court.

All the teachers, who had gathered in the room quieted down a bit and a handful of 'yes's were heard through the headmaster's office.

"Ahem," Albus began while positioning his glasses on the tip of his nose. "Has anyone seen professor McGonagall?"

Before any of the teachers could answer a loud bang echoed the slightly huge room, turning the attention of all the teachers and Dumbledore to look at the entrance of his office, seeing Minerva McGonagall making her grand entry by smacking the door in pure fury.

"When the Godrick Gryffindor did Cho Chang decide to come into the picture?!" Minerva yelled in anger as she made her way through the crowd of her colleagues to the podium.
"Hinny is the endgame and this is pure madness! That Ravenclaw needs to stay in one lane," she emphasized the word one.

"Weren't she with that Diggory guy?" Professor Trelawney leaned down and whispered to professor Flitwick, who shrugged before raising his hand.
"10 Galleons on Cho Chang and Harry Potter."

"Shut up, Flitwick, we all know he'll end up with Ginny Weasley sooner or later," professor Snape glared at Flitwick, who embarrassed, slowly took his hand down and let it hang by his side.

"The real question we should ask, is who, Hermione Granger will end up with. I personally vote for Draco Malfoy as a future love interest," Snape once again piped up, showing some hand gestures in the process before his arms went into their usual protective stance.

"Wasn't her punching him in the face a clear enough answer that she isn't interested in the ferret?" McGonagall sassed back raising her eyebrows as she stared at professor Snape with a judgemental glare.

"Well, Ronald Weasley isn't really what you'd call a better choice to miss Granger," Snape rolled his eyes.

"Who even said it was Ronald Weasley I was referring to?" McGonagall asked before fixing the position of her glasses.

"Here we go again," Pomona Sprout placed her face in her palms, seeing professor Flitwick do the exact same thing.

"Don't tell me you're seriously voting on the Bulgarian Quidditch player," Snape spoke sarcastically swiping his hand in the air as if he tried to push the question aside.

"Hermione is an intelligent and bright witch, she would of course go for something more challenging, perhaps Frederick Weasley?" Professor Trelawney interrupted their usual banter they did every meeting they had, which were placed on Saturday nights just after dinner in the great hall had finished.

"Tsk. If she could get that prankster to settle down, I'd be all in for that ship, right Maddam Norris?" Argus Filch pointed out while asking the question at his beloved cat, making everyone turn to him, whos body was leaning up against a wall and Madam Norris sitting by his feet, licking her paw as she purred in agreement.

"Albus what do you thi-" before McGonagall could finish her sentence, the door to the office opened slightly and in entered Hagrid's head, the rest of him hidden by the door.

"You were looking for me, Dumbledore?" Rubeus Hagrid stated, opening the door wider and fully stepping into the room, surprised about the amount of teachers standing in one big group in the middle if it.

"Ah, Hagrid, yes, come closer. I need you to deliver something for me," Albus Dumbledore replied.

Hagrid quickly trotted up through the crowd of professors, reaching the podium in no time before he was handed a box of chocolates from Honeydukes.

"Who am I delivering this to?" Hagrid asked, looking at the box in confusion. As much as he knew, headmaster Dumbledore didn't have any romantical relationship or something like that.

Snape suddenly snatched the box of chocolates out of Hagrid's grip as he was tired of waiting for the headmaster to answer the question, seeing as he hesitated in telling the name of the receiver.

"Why does it say 'To Hermione, you're as sweet as these chocolates, Ron x.'"? Snape questioned as he disgusted glanced back down at the ribbon wrapped, red, heartformed box.

"You cheat!" Trelawney yelled as she also saw the little note.
"You can't pressure them to getting into a relationship to get money!"

"I can and I will. Now if you excuse me, I'd like some quietness to ponder over this letter from the Minister of Magic. Dumble out," Albus leaned down, looking directly at professor Trelawney and ended the conversation with one swift movement as he leaned himself back in his chair and began reading the letter from the Minister of Magic.


Okay, so alot of you may be wondering why I'm not updating as much as I used to. Well, you see, things have changed alot for me. I feel like, I've lost my ability to write great imagines/stories, which is the reason why I haven't updated for so long. I hope you liked the imagine anyway.


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