》Oliver Wood x Angie《

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"I wanna cuddle." Oliver began pouting once again.

Angie turned to her very snuggly boyfriend and gave him a look to shut up.

"I need to finish this essay before tomorrow Olli! I don't want to stand in front of Snape and not have a essay to give him." She explained him half angrily and half irritated.

Oliver clamped his mouth shut and began starring at her.

Angie couldn't focus, because of her boyfriend and therefore sighed, turned around and layed down on the sofa in the common room with Olli.

She positioned her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

"Okay, for ten minutes!" She trailed of, looking at him.

"Yay!" Olli cheered and hugged her into him.

"But!" She said, pointing her pointing finger in the air.

"Oh, no. I should have known there was a but." Oliver whined.

Angie grinned and chuckled at his childish behaviour.

Who would have known Oliver Wood was so childish, cuddly and overprotective?

"You have to carry my books the whole day tomorrow, help me with potionshomework and.."

Wood groaned and closed his eyes.

"I wasn't finished!" She said sticking her finger at him.

He sighed, still having closed his eyes.

"And.. You have to make out with me." She teased.

Oliver's eyes opened up wide and he quickly locked lips with Angie.

Angie grinned in the kiss and held onto his neck. They kissed for several minutes, but parted when a loud *ew* sounded in the room.

They looked at the entrance to the Gryffindor common room and saw Hermione and Ron.

Hermione hit Ron on the arm and said: "They are in love Ron! You could learn something from them you know!" She yelled at him and stomped off to her dorm.

Ron stood dumbfounded back and looked at the door Hermione just walked in at.

"You should tell her you love her." Olli told Ron, trying to give the redhead some advice.

"No, I don't like her!" Ron defended.

They both glared at him and he sighed.

"Fine!" He yelled and slumpily walked away.

Angie looked at Olli.

"He's not going to tell her." She stated.

"Yep." Oliver replied.

Angie looked at the clock and hopped off the sofa.

"The ten minutes is up."she simply stated and sat down in the armchair to begin on continuing writing her essay.

"Come one Angie!" Wood whined at her, which she smirked to.

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