A/n [E]

3.7K 37 18

So this morning, I kind of just woke up, ate some breakfast, saw a bit of tv and logged on to Wattpad, like I usually do every day.

I stared shocked at my screen of my phone, not believing this book had over 1 k votes.

This is it. You're gonna make me become mentally unstable. I can't even believe that I just some months ago made this user, just wanting to read some books, since I had seen the website before and heard good things about it.

Now I'm this average fanfiction writer/or just writer, who have over 50 followers, has over 1 k views on three of my books and gets request, comments and votes every day.

I feel like I'm dreaming.

You guys... *wipes away a tear with my hand*

Thanks guys, Really.


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