》Fred Weasley part 2《

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10 years later.

Y/n had survived the last ten years without Fred by her side. He hadn't even asked her why she broke up with him nor who she got together with, which was actually none.

Even though it hurt her every day to see him and Angelina snogging in every corner of the wizarding school, she stayed there and fought through it.

Now many years later, she had her own DIY store, that she had been inspired to open, because of her muggle mother.

She was now 26, had her own store with crafts, sweets and so much more, that it would bore you if you heard them all.

A little *ding* from the bell that hung over the door to the shop, made her turn around and smile at the little boy with bright red hair.

"Can I help you?" Y/n asked the small boy, who kinda reminded her of the boy she had been in love with for years, but quickly shook the thought away as she sent him a warm smile.

"I-I-I can't fi-ind my dad." The boy suddenly cried out, seeing as he only looked at the age of five, maybe six?

She gently scooted the little redhead into her arms and hugged him to her tightly as her motherly instict kicked in.

"Shh. We will find your dad. Do you have a idea where he is?" She asked him smiling slightly, rubbing the boy's back softly with her hand.

"Noo-o." The boy hiccuped, tears rolling down his cheeks as he almost silently sobbed over Y/n's shoulder.

"What about your mother?" She hurriedly asked and sat him down, still holding on to his shoulders as she sat on her knees questioning him.

"She died when she gave birth." He answered and sniffed loudly, making her face expression drop.

She sympathetically smiled at the boy and quickly got a idea to bright the tension up as she thought about how she would be getting in contact with the boy's parent.

"You know what? What do you say to, that I will get you a lollipop, any flavour you want and then we go find your dad?" She asked him grinning widely at the now beaming boy.

"With strawberry?" He asked hopefully and hopped his petite body up and down.

"With strawberry." Y/n confirmed and left to the back of the shop, to find the lollipops, she had put there.

"Tom! I have been worried sick about you!" A too familiar voice rang from the front of the shop, making her stop in her tracks as she looked at the many racks for the strawberry flavoured lollipops.

"Dad!" A exited cry sounded and made her suddenly walk out from the back and look down at the two gingers hugging.

"Fred?" She erupted shocked, but actually not that surprised, but it surely made Fred surprised.

"Y/n?!?!" Fred looked up from his son and to the ever so beautiful woman standing before him.


There you go. You see I'm that evil, that I will stop here and make you all frustrated. Lol, sorry, but here you go.

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