Cedric Diggory [E]

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You woke up to Hermione pushing your body down onto the floor, since she had been fighting to wake you up for 5 minutes as she frustrated could not wake you up by doing anything else.

"I am awake! I am awake!" You practically yelled at her, Hermione just folding her arms.
You quickly glanced at the clock.

"For God sake, it is 4 in the morning, Hermione!" You loudly screamed at her, but only got a smirk back.

"I am going to wake the others up, get dressed, it is Quidditch day!" She cheered, leaving the room soon after.

Wait, Quidditch World Cup, today? You have waited for this since forever. You rapidly pulled some black jeans and a blue sweater and brushed your teeth and hair.

You trotted down the stairs to enter the kitchen in the Burrow only to see half sleeping Ron and Harry, the twins eating, Mrs. Weasley making breakfast, Mr. Weasley reading the newspaper and Hermione and Ginny small talking.

You all quickly ate your breakfast and got your backpacks packed, so you were ready to go

"Here we go, all with us? Good," Mr. Weasley took a headcount of the amount of teenagers before him before turning to exit the house.

You silently walked in what felt like forever. Being beside Ginny and Hermione, who talked about handsome Quidditch players was okay, though you secretly just wanted to lay down and catch up on the sleep you lost because of the Quidditch World Cup. In the distance stood a man beside a tree.

"A little late Athur, shall we proceed now?" The man asked greeting Mr. Weasley. A boy jumped down from the tree beside us and also greeted Mr. Weasley.

"Cedric, nice to see you again, you have grown a lot," Mr. Weasley smiled, shaking the 16-17 year old boy's hand.

Cedric glanced around, and you found yourself locking gazes with him, making you blush as he sent you a dashing smile and a wink before turning around.

"What just happened?" Ginny asked speechless, turning her body your way as if you knew the answer.

"I think, he has a crush on you," Hermione whispered, poking her elbow on you shoulder.

"Sh, guys, keep it down!" You hurriedly whisper-screamed.
After lots of teasing you finally ended on a hill and stood around a old boot.

"What are we doing standing around a boot for?" Harry questioned as he stared at Mr. Weasley for any confrmation.

"It's a port key-" One of the twins spoke.

"It is a kind of apparating tool," the other finished.

"Everybody put a hand on it and I will count down," Mr. Weasley spoke seriously, instructing everyone to follow his lead..
Everyone exept Harry put their hand on the boot.

"One... two.... HARRY! three!" Mr. Weasley screamed. Harry made it in time, though, and you now began spinning around the boot.

"Release kids!" Mr. Diggory yelled.

"Are you insane?!" Hermione yelled back at him, looking overly scared to take her hand away from the old boot. Her fingers were tightly gripping onto the boot's material that it was made of.

"Release!" Mr. Weasley yelled louder as a statement.

You felt a hand on your own, and found Cedric nodding at you to let go. Seeing as you did not release your grip, he gently pulled your hand away from the boot, and you were now both falling.

You saw everyone including yourself exept Mr. Weasley and Mr. Diggory fall to the ground with a loud thump. Cedric walked in the air and ended on the ground just before you, who moaned as the impact with the ground hurt a lot.

You helped the others up after Cedric helped you and quickly found both of the twins smirking at you. It was first now you remembered Cedric still held your hand tightly in his.

You glanced at your own hand realising that it indeed was being held by the older boy and quickly released it from Cedric's grasp.

Flustered, you abruptly began walking along with Harry and Ron. They looked at your current red-ish face that was all red from blushing. Fanning your face, you finally noticed how clammy and sweaty your hands felt.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" Harry asked while the swarm of people began surrounding you.

"I'm fine," you replied rather harshly looking away.

"Girls.." Ron muttered, shaking his head a bit as he rolled his eyes at Harry.


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