》Kinda need your help..《

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I'd like to thank everyone who voted on the names, as I now can tell you, that I have the winning name now.

Say hello to Julia Kate Longbottom!

Hello guys.
First, sorry about me not updating. Had this cousin-get-together-party, that I had to attend. Really fun though. So that's why I haven't been updating.

Also, the thing I wanted to ask you, is: "What name sound the best?"

Under this, I have written a few names to a new book I want to start on, but I love them all and then don't know what name I should choose.

Please help me by writing; "this," in the comments by voting on the name, pressing your finger on it, if you're on a phone or such.

1. Adriana Elizabeth Longbottom

2. Jane Hannah Longbottom

3. Julia Kate Longbottom

4. Juliet Beatrice Longbottom

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