》Fred Weasley《

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Somehow I ended up playing truth or dare with Ginny, Harry, Ron, Seamus, Fred, George and Lavender. Hermione didn't want to, because she would rather study.

Ginny was the one who had dragged everyone down in the common room to play the muggle game.

We now all sat in a circle with a bottle in the middle. (It has a bottle in my game)

"Okay, I will start!" Ginny yelled.
She spun the bottle and it ended on Ron.

"Truth or dare Ron?" Ginny asked.

"Dare" He said back.

Ginny smirked.

"I dare you to tell Hermione how you feel about her." Ginny said, forgetting Lavender sat beside her. Lavender stared Ginny down with a look that could kill, but Ginny only looked at Ron.

"Fine." Ron said, getting up and leaving the room.

After about 10 minutes he came back. His face were filled with many emotions.

Ginny was just attempting to ask Ron how it did go, but Ron mumbled a "Dont ask" and sat down in the circle again. He spun the bottle that landed on George.

After asking George, who took dare. He ended up with dancing around in a dress for 5 minutes, which got us all crying of laughter.

George spun the bottle and it landed on Fred, who took truth.

George grinned at his brother, who now seemed to be a little uncomfortable. Did George know something?

"Are you in love with someone?" He asked smirking.

Fred whispered a "Yes."

"Who?" George asked.

Fred mumbled something none of us really heard.

"Who?" George repeated.

"Y/n!" He said, looking directly at me. I was shocked. I didn't move. I wanted to, but the fact my crush likes me..

He got up and left. Shaking my head out of the trance I ran after him.

We ended up at Hagrids hut.

"Fred!" I yelled after him.

He stopped and turned around.

"What do you want? Want to rub it in my fa-" I kissed him. His eyes went wide. I continued kissing him. He snapped out of whatever he was in and placed his arms around me. We kissed for some time and I parted.

"Wow.." Fred whispered.

I chuckled.

"Arh.. Young love, the best thing on earth, right Professor Mcgonagall?"

"Indeed headmaster Dumbledore."

We looked to our right blushing mad. Professor Mcgonagall and headmaster Dumbledore were looking at us.

The awkward silence continued for a long time. We just stood starring at each other.

"I think we should go now professor." Dumbledore said, winked and turned around, having professor Mcgonagall following him.

"As if that wasn't awkward." Fred said, looking after the two people walking away.

I smacked him on his neck.

"What was that for?!" He half-yelled.

"For not telling me you like me." I grinned.

Fred was about to say something, but I shutted him up by kissing him.

"I could get used to this." He grinned when we parted.

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