Fred Weasley (2) [E]

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An update from the scenario in the closet.

Y/s/n = your son's name.
Y/d/n = your daughter's name.


It was y/s/n first day at Hogwarts, and you were just about to say goodbye, while your six-year-old daughter clung to your leg.

"I want to go, too, mummy!" Y/d/n erupted as she herself tried to beg to come with her bigger brother.

"You will, when you get old enough, okay?" You replied while taking her into your arms before hugging your son sideways since y/d/n was literally hanging onto all of your body.

"Remember to study," you told your son and smiled, ruffling his ginger hair that resembled his father's too much.

"And have fun," Fred interrupted, hugging your son tightly, not wanting to let him go for half a year.

You stuck your tongue out at him as he did the same to you, which made your son look around at the people around you, who all seemed to stare intently at his parents, aka you.

"Mum, dad, you are embarrassing me!" Y/s/n whispered to both of you, feverishly trying to make you stop.

Fred and you locked eyes for a second and you both discreetly nodded at each other before beginning to pinch your son's cheeks, hug him and shower him with kisses rapidly, so he became more embarrassed.

"Mum, I'm hungry," Y/d/n called at you and you nodded after humiliating your son for good.

"I'll get him on the train, you just take her home, I'll be there soon," Fred encouraged and you smiled back. You suddenly vanished from their sight by apparating away to your house.

"Have a good year, kiddo. We will miss you at home," Fred smiled warmly at your son, suddenly remembering the thing Dumbledore had said when Fred and you were found in the closet together kissing. Now he wanted Dumbledore to come back alive and tell him, "I told you so."

"Dad? Are you....... crying?" Y/s/n asked and stared at his father's face.

"No, don't you worry. Go on the train and see if you can find Teddy there, okay son?" Fred convinced him and pointed to the train behind him.

Your son grinned and quickly gathered his things before giving them to the trainman and went inside to find Teddy.

When the train began to move out of the station, Fred found
y/s/n among the other cabins and waved at him as he waved back.

Your son muttered the words 'I love you', which Fred did back and watched your son away on his first adventure.


Harry Potter ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora