Dumbledore ft. McGonagall [E]

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"Yes, Minerva?"

"Just what are you doing sitting in a tree for?" The transfiguration professor asked dumbfounded, staring at the almost 150 year old man.
The headmaster had positioned himself on to a tree branch high up in a tree with a view of the Black Lake and a few students situated around it, a pair of binoculars in his grip as well as a notebook by his side.

"I'm doing research," the older stated, not even giving the younger a glance as he continued to look through his binoculars and scribble stuff down in his notebook.

"May I ask, what you're researching?" McGonagall asked politely, tilting her head to the left to get a better view of the extremely unpredicted situation before her.

"It seems," Dumbledore paused and finally looked down towards one of his employees before finishing his sentence, "that it becomes more and more difficult to get ships to sail."

Furrowing her eyebrows McGonagall peeked back up at Albus. "Why do you keep mentioning ships, Albus? What is this new infatuation with boats? I do not understand any of this."

The headmaster rolled his eyes at his colleague before turning his body to explain it further.
"It is not something that is supposed to be understood by all, professor McGonagall. Only people who are passionate about it is able to truly understand the beauty of shipping."

"For example," he spoke and took a deep breath to ready himself with his answer, "two of my students keep on fighting each other even though they obviously like each other."

Professor McGonagall furrowed her eyebrows for a second before it suddenly clicked in her mind.
"Oh, you mean Ms. Granger and Mr. Malfoy."

In response to her statement, the older glared bewilderedly at his colleague. "No, no, no, no, not them!"

"But I thou-" Minerva tried to reason before being interrupted, "I meant Harry and Draco."

"MR. MALFOY AND MR. POTTER? TOGETHER? IN A RELATIONSHIP? ARE YOU ACTUALLY SERIOUS, ALBUS? Not that I have anything against same-sex relationships, of course," she lowered her voice after several birds had left the tree because of her yelling, making students turn to watch their headmaster and transfiguration professor converse.

"But why exactly those two?" she continued on, almost whispering as she waved her students' attention away from them with her hands as to say that they should continue whatever they were doing and just ignore the fact that their headmaster was sitting almost on top of a tree.

"You see-" Dumbledore began to speak before touching his long beard in a thoughtful manner. "For quite a while, I've been receiving a tremendous amount of hate mail from fans of this book, telling me that my former ship wasn't canon. Therefore, I've gotten to the conclusion that Drarry is the ultimate ship and it is honestly a rather delightful experience to watch them banter with all this sexual tension."

Even more weirded out than before, professor McGonagall stared blankly at the headmaster, who still sat upon one of the thicker tree branches. She tried to think of a reply, but only one thing would spring to mind.

"Hate mail? Book? What is all this, you're speaking of, Albus?"

Wrinkling his nose, Dumbledore slowly climbed down the wooden ladder. He then put his binoculars, notebook and pen into a small bag that Minerva noticed had been enchanted to contain more than what the eye could see.

"For now, it is not something you need to worry about. I do have a rather pressing task I need to execute today - otherwise Harry won't be getting his weekly chocolate gift from Mr. Malfoy on time," he explained and began dragging Minerva calmly back to the castle.


Hello everyone! So a lot of people might be wondering, why I'm not uploading that much in the span of the last few years. To tell you the truth, I'm a senior high school student and use literally all my time on school related stuff and friends and family. I therefore haven't felt like I wanted to write, but I hope that this little chapter would brighten up your day if just a little! Also, I do read all comments, so beware to all of you because I'm a pretty sassy and sarcastic person, who will respond to those ;)

Another thing, I would like to tell you is that I'm very apologetic to all of you who have requested for a story. I truly want to write a lot, but I struggle with it and therefore hope that my other scenarios can entertain you instead.

Thank you for reading my works, I really appreciate it!

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