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I am woken from a sound sleep by Josh. I groan getting to my feet.

"What?" I demanded as Josh pulled me to my feet.

"There are a bunch of witches downstairs threatening Eric," Josh said causing me to rush to the top of the stairs.

"Eric turn yourself in or we will hurt the girl," a man said harshly.

"You already killed her what more could you do?" Eric snapped as I stood hidden on the stairs.

"Make it a permanent state," the man said as Eric froze.

"He doesn't have the magic to beat them," Josh whispered in my ear.

"You'd have to get through me," Eric growled causing the man to smile at the challenge. I watched as Eric was blasted through the banister. I dodged Eric's body before rushing to help him.

"Eric," I said pulling him to his feet quickly.

"Sapphire be a dear and come to us," the man said sending a huge amount of magic into Eric causing him to collapse. I knew I was on my own at this point. I took Eric's hand pulling a small amount of his magic into my body. I stood facing them.

"I'm right here, come and get me if you are strong enough!" I spat harshly. I watched as the man prepared to send magic toward me. I called my powers to me launching them into his building energy. I watched as he sailed across the room before hitting the wall. The rest of the witches faced me in anger.

"Get her!" The man groaned getting to his feet slowly. I laughed at him before jumping over the railing landing in the center of all the witches. I spun kicking the first witch I saw in the chest sending them through the window. I felt two arms wrap around me as I released a jolt of magic. The arms fell away as the witch crumpled to the floor. I spun as the leader of the group smiled. "Enough," he said waving his hand in boredom. I gasped as his magic wrapped around my arm yanking me toward him. I winced as my arm was at an awkward angle.

"Sapphire," Josh said as I shook my head. He really wasn't a match for a witch whose magic rivaled my own.

"Eric I warned you," the man said reaching up to stroke my cheek. I leaned away from his touch but I couldn't get far enough away. "I think I'll keep her for a bit, have some fun with her." I felt as he put his arm on my waist teleporting us away from the house. I gasped as he tossed me into a wall. I groaned rolling onto my side before getting to my feet.

"You'll pay for that," I snapped angrily. I wasn't about to let fear stop my words.

"Is it really the wisest to say that when you are my prisoner?" He laughed causing me to take a swing at him which he blocked with ease. I pulled out of his grasp sending him a glare.

"Stay away from me," I growled as he stepped toward me grabbing my throat. I grabbed his arm as he pressed me against the wall.

"Or what?" He asked a smirk in his eyes.

"Or this," I said bringing my knee up quickly. He groaned dropping me as he collapsed in pain. "I don't need magic to show you pain!"

"You bitch," he whimpered as I looked down at him.

"Is that supposed to be a Lycan jab?" I said harshly. I stepped around him walking through his house accessing my surroundings. I walked down a narrow hallway leading to the bathroom on the right. I looked at saw no windows before continuing toward the small kitchen. I pulled on the door leading toward the porch which was locked. I shook it seeing the door wasn't very strong or secure, very careless of my captor. I made my way back down the hallway coming to a set of stairs. I walked up them finding two rooms upstairs. I opened the first door which appeared to be his room. I continued to the second room opening the door finding a small bed and that was it. I knew this was to be my cell. To my surprise the house didn't have a basement like many other houses in this area.

"Tell Tony I got her," I heard the man say downstairs. Stupid guy didn't think I could hear him. Tony was responsible for this. I made my way downstairs snatching the phone.

"Hi tell Tony he better explain himself now or I'll make him," I growled hanging up the phone. "Next time leave the house to talk I could hear you from my cell upstairs."

"Touch my things again and I will kill you no matter what my bosses say!" He snapped harshly.

"You know my name but what's yours?" I asked unable to stand not knowing his name.

"Blake my name is Blake," he said as I turned making my way toward the kitchen. I pulled open the fridge finding a bunch of leftovers. I shut the door before opening the freezer. I grabbed the tub of ice cream and a spoon sitting at the island in the center of the kitchen. I shoveled the chocolate ice cream into my mouth angrily.

"Blake," a woman's voice called.

"Yes Vanessa," he answered.

"Where is she?" Vanessa asked as Blake pointed toward me. "Tony sent me to explain."

"He wasn't man enough to face me himself!" I snapped glaring at her.

"He wanted you out of the way so he can destroy Eric. Had you left Eric on his own we wouldn't have taken you. He said do whatever it takes to kill Eric. He doesn't care what happens to you after Eric is dead. He left instructions to keep you alive until then," Vanessa said as I stood up walking away from Vanessa.

"Did he even think about the baby?!" I shouted before rushing up the stairs and into 'my' room. I slammed the door flopping onto the hard lumpy mattress. He hates me enough to destroy me even if it hurts the baby. How could he hate me that much...

I am posting twice because I didn't wind up posting yesterday. I do my very best to update whenever possible but I don't always get time. Thank you all for reading my story!

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now