Survival of the Fittest

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"Gwen you ready to go?" I asked as she stood up.

"Yeah let's go," Gwen smiled as we walked to her car. She climbed in the passenger seat as I started the car. I drove to the same store I had done my shopping for the twins. I parked the car getting out. Gwen rushed into the store her eyes wide with excitement. I wondered if this was how I looked when shopping for the twins.

"Sapph look she could be a little cop," Gwen said holding up the little cop uniform. I smiled at her pushing the cart for her.

"Put it in the cart," I said as she walked around the store grabbing outfit after outfit.

"There are too many cute things," Gwen said as I spotted a little wolf toy just like the one I had bought. I grabbed it putting it in the cart.

"From me to you," I said as she smiled.

"So when do I have to go to the doctor?" Gwen asked as I looked at her.

"You haven't gone yet?" I gasped putting my hand on her belly. I used my magic to hear for a heartbeat. I gasped feeling two individual heartbeats. "Gwen its twins," I spoke softly.

"What?!" She yelled sheer panic in her eyes.

"Don't worry you can handle this. You aren't alone you have an entire pack to help," I said firmly as she nodded. I grabbed another wolf toy putting it in the cart.

"How are the twins?" She asked as I smiled.

"They are happy and healthy. They are with my husband living like princesses," I said with a smile playing at my lips.

"I still can't believe you got married and didn't tell anyone," Gwen said as I smirked.

"It happened really fast," I said happily.

"I need two cribs and a changing table," Gwen said as I shook my head.

"I'll conjure them so we don't have to struggle getting it in the car," I said heading toward the checkout.

"That will be 1,000 dollars," the cashier said cheerfully. I handed her my credit card paying for everything including the two stuffed wolves.  I loaded the car quickly before getting into the driver side. We arrived at the compound to the witch ancestors waiting in the courtyard.

"Sapphire we need to speak," the woman said as Gwen got out of the car.

"Gwen I'll be inside in a minute," I said as Gwen walked inside. "What's up?"

"We were concerned by your lack of control during the fight with your father," she said as I crossed my arms.

"First you were concerned I was too close to my father now you are concerned I tried to kill him," I snapped harshly.

"Sapphire you tapped into a power far darker than anything we have seen before. The magic was darker than Eric's and the Magi power combined," she said as I looked at her.

"You think I don't know that? I killed an immortal being with my power without effort," I said to her. "I was worried at first too but soon I realized it isn't the power that is bad but how I choose to use it."

"That is true, even the darkest witch can save the world," she said stepping toward me. "But make no mistake we will stop you if you force us to."

"I'm beyond your power and you know it," I snapped walking into the house. Gwen ran up to me.

"You just stood up to the witches!" Gwen gasped as I shrugged.

"They know they can't kill me," I said as I thought of Van. It had only been a week and I was missing him. "I'm going out for a little bit but I will be right back."

"You're going to see your man," Gwen smirked giving me a hug. I ran out the front door teleporting to the portal. I stepped through landing just outside the palace. I froze as my stomach flipped. Something felt wrong. I walked into the palace finding a wild party of Van's rich friends. I found Van dancing with a red head in the way he only danced with me. I looked and found the twins except they were a little older. Time had moved differently here. I watched as he caressed her cheek in a way that shattered my heart. He moved on without me.

"It's the queen," someone muttered.

"Can you believe her, the nerve to show up now that Van moved on," another person said as I fought back tears. I hadn't realized time moved differently and that mistake may have cost me my love.

"Van," I spoke my voice ringing through the ballroom. Van gasped facing me the woman looked scared. She had the same look in her eyes as I did when Tony chose Amber. He gripped the woman's hand and the look he gave me wasn't joy but anger and pain. I broke him. I touched my ring pulling it off. I stepped toward him tears building in my eyes. I felt sadness but knew he deserved happiness so if he was happy with her I would let him go the way Tony refused to do with me. "Are you happy with her?" He didn't speak but the way he clung to her hand said it all. "I want you to be happy even if it isn't with me." I said taking his hand putting the ring in it. "Promise me you will be happy." I said turning walking toward the exit. The twins knowing their place was with me followed me. I reached the door gripping the handle.

"Sapph wait," Van called as a tear escaped my eyes. I had almost made a graceful exit until he said my name. I turned as our eyes locked. He faced the woman before dropping her hand walking to me. "Are you happy without me?"

"No Van. I love you so much that I can let you go but too much to be happy that way," I whispered my lip trembling tears cascading my cheeks. He reached up touching my cheek sending the fire rushing through me. It made this so much harder to leave him.

"I had almost gotten over you but seeing you reminded me just how much I craved you," Van said firmly his hand pulling me close. His lips brushed mine firmly and hungrily in front of everyone. I wrapped my arms around him pulling him closer to me. He was my love and I couldn't contain my relief that he picked me. I am in love undeniably with Van Lucian...

Thank you so much for over 800 reads. I have decided to post twice today. Thank you guys for your support.

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