Betrayal Runs Deep

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Nathan held me in his arms as blood ran down my dress and screams erupted around us. I saw my father's followers fleeing the room as the guards rushed toward us.

"Why?" I choked out as he looked at me.

"You are a danger to us all," he said as a tear escaped the corner of my eye. He tried to kill me, and didn't give it a second thought.

"I cared for you so much and still you try and kill me," I sobbed the betrayal digging into my heart. He was my family and the last person I would think would try and kill me. He was the person I began to count on and he shattered it into a million shards.

"I did this for the twins," he said firmly no hint of regret in his eyes in fact I thought I saw joy. He hated me and I never noticed.

"You did this for you not them," I snapped as the guards reached for us when Nathan teleported us away.

"I can't risk them saving you," Nathan said as we sat in a field of violets, it was almost beautiful if I wasn't bleeding to death. I thought of my child but knew she was dead. I couldn't feel the Magi magic anymore.

"You killed not only me but my child!" I growled reaching toward my darkest magic. If I was going to die so was he. I cut off his air way as his eyes widened. He clutched his neck trying to breathe. I struggled to my feet blood dripping down my legs as I used my magic to snap his neck without hesitation. Nathan's dead eyes stared up at me and I felt nothing but happy that he couldn't hurt anyone else. He couldn't hurt my family or betray every vow we made. The ancestors and the Magi are going to send everyone I know after me both dead and alive.

"Sapphire!" I heard Eric call from the woods. I staggered toward his voice supporting myself with the trees.

"Eric," I gasped collapsing on the ground. I tried to put pressure on my wound to stop the bleeding but it seeped through my fingers covering my engagement ring. "Until my last breath." I shut my eyes as the darkness consumed me...

(Eric's POV)
I froze as my eyes landed on Sapphire lying on the ground unmoving. I sprinted toward her praying that she was alive.

"Oh god Sapph," I yelled rushing toward her. I grabbed her hand which was ice cold her face pale and a hint of blood on her lips. My heart pounded in my ears as I slid against the ground pulling her blood soaked body into my arms. I shook her trying to wake her. "Sapphire damn it don't leave me here alone!" I teleported us to the penthouse as Dedrick ran to us. A guard reached down taking her pulse before shaking his head. She was dead, I lost her and it was my fault. If I hadn't let Nathan come to the party he never would have touched her. I shouldn't have trusted him, he hurt her so many times.

"My little girl," Dedrick said anger filling his voice once more. I lost both my child and Sapph. I was alone and I was going to show them how big of a mistake they made. I pulled her engagement ring off pulling Sapphire's magic into my body. It was strong like Sapphire said but I knew I could control it because I didn't want to. Fearing the magic is the reason it was unstable but I feared nothing anymore, I also had nothing to lose anymore.

"They will pay for this!" I growled as Dedrick looked at me.

"Together we will make them pay for destroying the one thing we had left," Dedrick smiled as I placed Sapphire on the bed gently. I rubbed her head pain so deep inside I felt numb. She was my everything and now she was dead. I found myself lost in a memory.

I stood at the end of the isle and this time I wasn't going to run. I knew this was who I loved, someone I would always love until my last breath. I gasped as the doors opened revealing Natalie in a stunning white dress. The sight of her took my breath away as she walked gracefully down the isle. She was perfect no matter how much magic she had. I took her hand as we faced the coven leader.

"Eric do you take Natalie as your wife from now until your last breath?" The leader asked as I smiled.

"I do," I said as I saw a small smile play at Natalie's lips. She was perfect and beautiful and kind, how could I ask for more.

"Do you Natalie take Eric as your husband from now until your last breath?" He asked as she smiled.

"I do," she spoke with such a happiness I couldn't help but pull her closer.

"You are now joined forever," the coven leader said as magic wrapped around our fingers sealing our union. "You may kiss the bride." I wrapped my arms around her waist pressing my lips to her soft lips sending an electricity through my nerves. She was mine and I hers forever and I couldn't be happier.
We stepped into the suite as I faced her pulling her close. My lips caressed her silky skin just below her ear causing her heart to race. I stood behind her my lips pressing against her neck as I unzipped her dress my lips trailing down her back before spinning her around. We stood there admiring each other her lips making their way down my chest. She was gentle as we made our way to the bed. Today I would claim her as mine just as she claimed me. She is my forever and nothing would ever change that, not even Rory could change this. My hand ran through her hair instinctively pulling her lips against mine. Our hands glided over each other as we fit together perfectly. She was my other half and I hers...
End of memory

Tears rushed down my face. I had lost my other half and now I was a shell of who I used to be. I held her ring in my hand and sobbed. It was covered in her blood tainted by the evils of the world. Someone was going to pay for destroying the light inside her. Sapphire was as innocent as a child just finding her way when the ancestors and the Magi snuffed it out. They were going to pay...

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now